BACKGROUND *Paul first went to Thessalonica (N. Greece) on his 2nd MJ (Acts 17) *Preaching was successful, but Paul got run out of town after only a few weeks or months *Went to Athens, then Corinth *Sent Timothy back to Thessalonica to see how the church was doing *Timothy caught up with Paul in Corinth *Paul wrote 1 Thess based on Timothy’s report *One of Paul’s earliest letters (AD 50-51)
4 MAJOR THEMES: 1. Paul’s joy & affection (1:2-10) 2. Paul’s defense of himself against slander (2:1-3:13) 3. The importance of “sanctification”/holiness (4:1-12) 4. Misunderstandings about the return of Christ (4:13- 5:11) Christian dead won’t miss out No one knows the time
WHAT ABOUT “THE RAPTURE”? Many believe 4:13-18 describes believers being caught up with Christ for 7 years before “The Millennium” Note: No such term anywhere in the NT 4:13-18 says nothing about a “great tribulation” on earth Also says nothing about returning to earth with Christ for 1000 years; rather, “so we will always be with the Lord” Purpose is to reassure Thessalonians that those who have died in Christ won’t be left behind or miss out on the Lord’s return in any way
LESSONS FOR TODAY 1. 1 Thess. provides a model for ______-______ missions today. 2. _____________ people means they should have an important place in our lives. 3. Even __________ Christians can be faithful under pressure. 4. Standing firm in our faith can be __________, but God expects it. 5. The ________ of Christ should have a central place in our thinking.
KEY VERSES “We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3