Happy Thankful Thursday Write the following question and respond on Bellwork Sheet for Thursday. (remember to R.A.P.) Chapters 17-20 What conclusions can you make about the kind of person Clay is? Use specific examples from this section.
LEARNING TARGETS RL 8.1 I can cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of the text as well as inferences drawn from the text. RL 8.3 I can analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents propel action, reveal aspects of a character. RL 8.6 I can define point of view and explain similarities and differences of characters’ points of views SL 8.1 I can engage effectively in a range of conversations.
In this lesson you will learn how to analyze differing points of view by determining how different effects are created from the differing points of view.
Today I bought you an interesting story by Dave Eggers Today I bought you an interesting story by Dave Eggers. Read the story through one time. Enjoy!
So this was story told from the older driver’s point of view, right So this was story told from the older driver’s point of view, right? You hear all about what’s going on in his head, but not the kids in the Camaro. Now you’re going to read the story a second time with a partner. I want you to jot down some things that the kids in their car might think, say, or do at different points in the story. Notice there are some stopping points marked in the story (marked by a ) With your partner, take turns reading each section aloud. After each stopping point, decide what the kids in the car might think, do, or say at the moment. Write it down, word for word, in the margin.
Share point of view notes on how the Camaro passengers might have reacted at each stopping point.
Time to dig a little deeper into the older driver’s (narrator perspective). We see everything he says and does, and we hear what he is thinking, right on the surface. What’s up with him anyway? With your partner, choose one of the following FOCUS questions and go back into the story to develop your interpretation. You will have to do some serious inferring, add your own background knowledge to the clues in the text. Mark any details on the text to make you case. When the narrator drives away from the accident, what kind of life will he be going back to? Family, home, job and problems? Some readers think that the narrator actually caused the accident on purpose. Why would he do that, and what evidence is there in the story to support that idea? Or maybe the accident was actually the teenagers fault, but for some reason he blames himself?
Share notes on Focus Questions
When you encounter text that has strong, single character narration, ask yourself the following questions; How reliable is the speaker? How is the character’s personality, background, and perspective coloring the narration? Is the narrator truthful? Re-examing a story from a different character’s point of view will give you better insight into all the characters.
Your Perspective: I think the Narrator in “Accident” is____________________ In the text it states_____________________ . This reveals ________________.