Matthew Fillos Heritage January 28,1994
Oral History Question: Do you have any funny family stories? Answer: My dad once told me that when he was about six, he was driving in a car, and at a stop sign he just fell out of the car, so my uncle had to tell my grandma what happened. Question: Do your parents have any stories they tell about growing up? Answer: My dad told me that every month he had to read a book for my grandpa, then he had to write a book report about it, and he couldn't watch TV until he was done.
Heritage and Culture Question: What countries are part of your heritage? Answer: France, Sweden, Hungary, and Ireland are all part of my heritage. Question: What holidays do you celebrate? Answer: I celebrate The Fourth of July, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas etc., basic holidays.
Food, Recipes, and Home Remedies Food, Recipes, and Home Remedies Question: What family recipes have been handed down for more than one generation? Answer: Chicken paprikash (pop-ree-kosh), has been handed down for more than one generation. Question: What was your favorite food that was prepared in your family when you were young? Were there certain foods prepared for certain days of the week? Answer: Spaghetti and meatballs was my nanas favorite food. They always had fish on Fridays.
Food, Recipes, and Home Remedies (cont.) Question: What are your comfort foods that help you feel better? Answer: Soft boiled eggs and toast are my comfort foods. Question: If you had a family garden, what did you grow? Answer: We grew potatoes, and tomatoes.
Fashion and Fads Question: What kind of fads do you remember? Answer: Saddle shoes, and Poodle skirts were popular. Question: What hairstyles were popular when you were my age? Answer: The bouffant, and the crew cut were popular then.
Fashion and Fads (cont.) Question: How much did items cost when you were my age? Answer: You could get eight gallons of gas for $1.00, a loaf of bread was ten cents, and an eight room house was $3,500. Question: What first names were common when you were in school? Answer: Mary, Joseph, James, John, and Ann were all common names.
Games, Sports, Hobbies, and Entertainment Question: What games did you play at my age? Answer: We played Monkey in the Middle, Kickball, dodge ball, and cards. Question: What sports did you play at my age? Answer: We played baseball, and basketball.
Games, Sports, Hobbies and Entertainment (cont.) Question: What kinds of music were popular when you were my age? Answer: Pop, and rock & roll were popular then. Question: What television shows did you watch when you were my age? Answer: I watched Land of the Giants, My Three Sons, Roller Derby, and Johnny Quest.
Daily Life Question: What chores / responsibilities did you have as part of the family when you were my age? Why do you think this was important? Answer: I had a paper route, I would rake leaves, and shovel snow. It showed responsibility. Question: What transportation did you use when you were growing up? How did you get around? Answer: We would walk and use bicycles and cars.