Faculty Grant Writing FLC (Faculty Learning Community)
Today we are going to discuss Proposals – How to Budget Proposals – Collaborative Proposals Proposals – Scope of Work and Deliverable Scheduling PI Responsibilities Cost Share/Match
Proposals – How to Budget First rule of budgeting, the budget must be realistic and must be an accurate representation of all costs related to the project. Budget justifications must justify all items on the budget and must be linked to your Scope of Work (SoW). Think of the budget justification as the executive summary of your SoW from a budget perspective. Research budget
Proposals – How to Budget Faculty Salary Course Buyout 15 units per semester maximum Must have approval of Department Chair, Dean, and Provost.
Proposals – How to Budget Summer Salary NSF (Federal Proposals) CSU (25% Additional Employment)
Proposals – How to Budget Student Salaries Distinction between scholarships and salary CSU Student pay scale Or justification for higher rate
Proposals – How to Budget Equipment vs. Supplies Equipment is any single apparatus over $5,000 and does not have F&A; supplies are everything else. F&A Facilities and Administration (F&A) or Indirect Costs Cal Maritime use an Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) base for calculating F&A on proposals. F&A is not charged on equipment, scholarships, participant support, and subaward amounts in excess of $25,000. Participant Support - means direct costs for items such as stipends or subsistence allowances, travel allowances, and registration fees paid to or on behalf of participants or trainees (but not employees) in connection with conferences or training projects.
Proposals – Collaborative Proposals The Principal Investigator on a Collaborative proposals is the lead PI. There can only be one PI on each proposal. If you are not the lead PI, then you will be a Co-PI. If you are not the lead PI, then Cal Maritime will not be the lead institution. This means the other institution will shoulder the majority of the approval burden. The proposal will still need Cal Maritime approval, and will have to route through our normal approval process.
Proposals – Scope of Work and Deliverable Scheduling Scope of Work (SoW) Developing a Proposal Concept Writing Successful Proposals Grants 102 Workshop Deliverable Scheduling Make sure the schedule of deliverables is realistic and matches the SoW and budget. Each deliverable is comprised of a task and an end product. Each task should have measurable items in it and the deliverable must be quantifiable.
PI Responsibilities The role of the Principal Investigator (PI) is the individual primarily responsible for the development and fulfillment of the award. Development of the initial concept Research of potential funding sources (can also be done with direction from Sponsored Programs) Identification of the most likely funding sources Drafting the proposal Development of the proposal budget (can also be done with assistance from Sponsored Programs) Coordination of required attachments and proposal documentation with Sponsored Programs
Cost Share/Match Cost Share/Match Cash Cost Share/Match Represents the portion of project or program costs not borne by the sponsor (generally the federal government). Cash Cost Share/Match Represents Cal Maritime’s cash outlay, including the money contributed to the recipient by non-Federal third parties. In-kind Cost Share/Match Represents the value of all noncash contributions, including services and property, provided by the recipient and/or non-Federal third parties. No cash is transacted.
Cost Share/Match