“Operationalizing” Inter-Agency Flood Risk Management Silver Jackets “Operationalizing” Inter-Agency Flood Risk Management Partners State-Led ( Voice of our Customers ) States set priorities for coordinated Interagency Federal support Interagency Method of Delivery ( MOD ) Collaboration across agencies / levels of government Universal / Tailorable for all Agencies / Programs Leverage resources: talent, data, funding Continuous, not project-specific Life-Cycle Risk Management Watershed Perspective State teams facilitate regional, state-to-state flood risk management 44 Active Interagency FRM Team (SJ) 7 Ongoing Effort to Develop Team As of March 2015 How we OPERATIONALIZE interagency effort Holistic and Comprehensive in nature, but . . . State-led = Focus on State (partner) priorities and objectives VOC (L6Σ) = Voice of PARTNERS (link back to Shared Responsibility) Watershed based; larger view Helps actualize Life Cycle through implementing State / Local Hazard Mitigation Plans and Floodplain Management Plans