NCARPO GIS Committee July 26, 2018 10/30/2015 NCARPO GIS Committee July 26, 2018 Allen Serkin, AICP, CZO Director of local government services Cape fear council of governments
P5.0 Project Summary Sheets Process Convert Ferry and Rail projects to linear features Create single polygon feature class of all RPO projects (points and lines) using BUFFER tool Join RPO methodology spreadsheet data (including SPOT data via LOOKUP function) to RPO projects feature class (PYTHON) Create a text COST field with a dollar sign and no cents (PYTHON) Create ArcGIS Pro map with RPO projects and other features for map frame Filter RPO projects layer by eligibility for appropriate tier Create ArcGIS Pro layout with map series using RPO projects as index layer Add map frame, field labels, and table attribute value dynamic text for each field Update feature class with new spreadsheet data via PYTHON script Export map series to PDF
Questions? Allen Serkin, AICP, CZO Local Government Services Director NCARPO 10/30/2015 Questions? Allen Serkin, AICP, CZO Local Government Services Director Cape Fear Council of Governments (910) 395-4553