Welcome to Geometry! Mr. Flynn Ms. Myers
Reasons why you will be successful this year: Move slowly. Incredible Instruction. Geometry is visual/hands on.
Structure of the class First thing: Objective of the class will be on the board. If someone comes into the room and asks, “What are you learning today?”, the Objective written on the board is your answer.
If you mentioned any of the term below, you are right! Points Lines Segments Planes Shapes (circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, etc., many of which are polygons) Area Perimeter Angles Measurement Parallel/perpendicular Pythagorean Theorem Surface area Volume If you said “hard”, “impossible” or “dumb” – you are WRONG!
What is geometry? Let’s brainstorm what we know about geometry.
Class rules Movement: If you need something, have to sharpen a pencil, go to the bathroom, or just need to move your body, please raise your hand and ask permission. If you need to leave the room, you need to get a pass.
Sleeping Sleep is a very important aspect of good health. Please get it at night. You cannot have your head down in class. No exceptions.
Structure of class First thing in class – problem of the day. This will usually be based on previous work. This will be on the board. Second activity – KWL Lesson Activity
Required Materials 3-Ring Binder. All your handouts, notes, quizzes, and tests will be put in your binder.
Grades Everything you do in class is graded. Chapter Tests – These will be announced and practiced.
Fire Drill Go out room, take a left. Walk out Door 2 and proceed to Field Hockey field. Stay together so I can get a count.
Go to website: www.aaamath.com/geo318x4.htm