Numeros Viernes el 8 de mayo STARTER : WRITE THE NUMBERS WALT: large numbers – quantities and prices WILF: revise & practice high numbers in Spanish - step 2 & produce a shopping list showing the quantity & price of each item you are going to buy - step 3 STARTER : WRITE THE NUMBERS SETENTA Y NUEVE: CURENTA Y DOS: DOSCIENTOS DOCE: OCHENTA Y CUATRO: SESENTA Y SEIS: EXTENSION: WRITE IN SPANISH: 35 78 55
Doscientos gramos de… = Cuatrocientos gramos de …= WALT: large numbers – quantities & prices WILF: revise & practice high numbers in Spanish – step 2 & produce a shopping list showing the quantity & price of each item you are going to buy – step 3 QUANTITIES = copy these phrases that you will need when you want to say ‘how much’ of something you require, and write the English Una botella de… = Una barra de…= Una caja de …= Una lata de… = Un paquete de…= Un cartón de… = ….. Gramos de … = Doscientos gramos de… = Cuatrocientos gramos de …= Be careful: always put “de…” of..) after quantity Eg: un medio kilo de fresas = ½ Kilo of strawberry
WALT: large numbers – quantities & prices WILF: revise & practice high numbers in Spanish – step 2 & produce a shopping list showing the quantity & price of each item you are going to buy – step 3 COPY out the shopping list & use the pictures to help translate the items into English
ESCRIBIR: Write your own shopping list Include the QUANTITY WALT: large numbers – quantities & prices WILF: revise & practice high numbers in Spanish – step 2 & produce a shopping list showing the quantity & price of each item you are going to buy – step 3 ESCRIBIR: Write your own shopping list Include the QUANTITY Include the PRICE You may want to use some of the new items of food & drink from the list on the right hand side>>> You will find the EURO sign in INSERT SYMBOL € Las zanahorias Las manzanas El zumo de naranja