EMPIRE AND EXPANSION, 1890-1909 Chapter 27
Imperialist Stirrings Shift if Foreign Policy Between end of Civil War and 1890 US very isolationist What is “Isolationism?” What examples do we have of “Isolationism” in United States history thus far? Why would the United States have such a foreign policy up until this point? In the late 19th Century the US became more outward looking. Why? What reasons for the shift in foreign policy ideology? American’s felt a new sense of power Many people thought the US needed colonies to compete with Europe. Hearst and Pulitzer “yellow Press” whetted appetites for foreign adventure. Missionaries saw new opportunities overseas Overseas seen as the new “frontier.” Some felt we needed our “share” of Asia and Africa as colonies. Darwin and Manifest Destiny. Diplomatic conflicts with Germany, Italy and Chili
Yellow Journalism Sensational headlines meant to grab an audience and sell papers Often untrue or unsubstantiated headlines and stories Impacted by opposing newspapers trying to sell papers
Expanding Navy Alfred Thayer Mahan. The Influence of Sea Power upon History His theory: key to world control was the control of the ocean Caused all countries to start focusing on their naval resources, including the US. Led to US to desire naval bases around the world and an isthmian canal Why this theory? Trade, military might, ext. All steel navies led to arms race,