Experiment Experiment: thing ferromagnetic films Effective field H is nothing but variation of the magnetic energy. More precisely – density of energy. We discuss only stationary case, i.e. the case when d/dt = 0
Base model Stationary Landau-Lifshitz equation Effective field H is nothing but variation of the magnetic energy. More precisely – density of energy. We discuss only stationary case, i.e. the case when d/dt = 0
Energy of magnetic Stationary Landau-Lifshitz equation
Radial and spherical coordinates Symmetry of magnetization distribution:
1D equation The equation is the same as for the pendulum with not constant gravity
Numeric investigation (easy-plane) Method of shooting in phase plane Asymptotic of magnetization is the asymptotic of only single solution
Numeric investigation (easy-axes) Method of shooting in phase plane The conservation low of energy in pendulum model don’t allow to construct a solution with right asymptotic
Solution: Example of magnetization distribution at
Solution: magnetic “Targets” Example of magnetization distribution at (non constant anisotropy)
Contence Introduction Model of magnets 1. From 2D model to 1D model 2. Solutions Conclusion Благодарю за внимание.