Six Traits Writing Review Honors English 9 Mrs. Ivey
Six Traits Ideas Organization Word Choice Voice Sentence Structure and Fluency Conventions
IDEAS Write small!!! Get rid of deadwood. Don’t generalize… Big topics are unmanageable. They lead to boring generalities. Get rid of deadwood. Separate good details from unnecessary information. Don’t generalize… Words like good, exciting, fun, special, and nice say nothing. Be specific!!
IDEAS---What is it??? Clarity Focus Quality details Strong support of your topic Authenticity No fillers
ORGANIZATION Spend time on a good lead… Have a center! End with Flair. This is how you hook your readers and you only get a moment to do it. Make it great! Have a center! Be sure you have a focus…a main idea…a theme. And stick to it throughout the entire paper. End with Flair. Nothing squelches a good piece of writing like a weak ending. End strong!!
ORGANIZATION…What is it??? Guides the reader Strong lead Natural, effective transitions Smooth flow point to point Orderly arrangement of information Good pacing Satisfying conclusion
WORD CHOICE Think verbs… Favorite words!!! Cut the Fat. Adjectives can’t compete with a great verb! Use all kinds of great verbs instead of worrying with adjectives. Favorite words!!! Keep a notebook of favorite words then use them in your writing! Cut the Fat. Words only have power if they carry their own weight. Get rid of words that you don’t need.
WORD CHOICE…What is it??? Accuracy Precision Avoidance of jargon and cliches No ponderous “let me impress you” language Language that fits audience, purpose Words that paint pictures VERBS, VERBS, VERBS
VOICE Think of your audience… Know your topic. Care about the topic!!! Who are they? Be sure to write to them specifically. Know your topic. Do your research. Knowledge puts confidence into your voice. Care about the topic!!! If you’re bored, why should your reader care? Write as if your topic were the most fascinating subject in the world…maybe it is!!
VOICE…What is it??? Individuality Liveliness Enthusiasm for topic Confidence that comes from knowledge Tone fits audience, purpose Sensitivity to audience needs Appeal to keep readers reading
SENTENCE STRUCTURE & FLUENCY Read aloud… Make a habit of reading all your pieces aloud. How else will you know how it sounds? Are some parts hard to get through? Now’s the time to fix it. Check out those first four words. When you use the same openers over and over, it has a numbing effect on your readers’ brains: I enjoy football. I love football. I think football’s the best. Don’t get breathless!! Some writers get carried away when they’re writing and forget to separate one sentence from another. Punctuate!
SENTENCE STRUCTURE & FLUENCY… What is it??? Easy rhythm and flow One sentence glides into another Variety in length Variety in structure Delightful to read/hear Easy to read with expression Easy to follow
CONVENTIONS Double space all rough drafts… Read from the bottom up. Give yourself room to read, room to work. Read from the bottom up. When you’re looking for spelling errors, read from the bottom up. That way, you won’t focus on meaning and you won’t skip right over words that aren’t spelled right. Start in the middle!! Good editors go through copy more than once. And the second time around, start in the middle and give part two the attention it deserves.
CONVENTIONS…What is it??? Evidence of proofreading/editing Easy-to-process text Only light touch-ups needed Appealing layout Presentation guides reader’s eye to key points