Agriculture Past and Present – RAM truck – Crash course History on Agriculture
The Past 140 yrs ago, 82% of Canadians lived in rural areas. work done by horses and human muscle. therefore farms were small only 50 ha Farms were diversified: each farm had dairy cows, hogs, chickens, beef cattle, and grew a variety of crops.
The Past a portion of the farm yield was used by the farm family and only the surplus product was sold in local city and town markets. one farm could produce enough food to feed 13 people.
The Present Canada is a nation of urban dwellers; over 80% live in towns or cities. Farmers account for about 3% of Canada’s labor force majority of farms are specialize (Focus on one type of farming). farms are run as efficiently as possible.
https://www. youtube. com/watch – Harvest 20 rows of corn at once.
The Present Many farmers are college graduates and rely on scientific research as well as their own knowledge to succeed. As many farms are highly mechanized and computerized, technical and computer skills are often needed as well as agri-knowledge DeLaval info spot – 70 point DeLaval rotary, no commentary
Advances in Agri-Technology Genetic Engineering has provided tougher strains of crops as well as better livestock through breeding. Feed companies have produced better feed Farm Machinery has improved over the horse and plow. As a result, one farmer can now provide enough food to feed 91 people instead of 13.