THE DIFFERENT FACES OF SELF SELF AS OBJECT Self-Concept: The perceptions, conceptions, beliefs, and values one holds about oneself SELF AS SUBJECT Sense of Agency: One’s beliefs about what determines what happens to him or her Mastery Orientation: Belief that achievements are based on one’s own efforts Learned Helplessness: Belief that achievements are a result of luck or other factors over which one has little control Sense of Individuality: The sense of one’s own uniqueness Sense of Stability: The sense of continuity in one’s past, present, and future Sense of Reflection: The ability to think about one’s self
TYPES OF ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION: Behavior that enhances competence of judgements of competence; a desire to strive for some high but reasonable standard of excellence in a skill or area of knowledge LEARNING ORIENTATION: Intrinsic motivation, coming from within the learner and the task; learner is trying to satisfy self PERFORMANCE ORIENTATION: Extrinsic motivation, coming from the evaluations of other individuals; learner is trying to satisfy others
With children under age 18 With children under age 6 Working Mothers 70 60 50 40 Percentage of mothers 30 20 10 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 1994 With children under age 18 With children under age 6
Divorce Rate 60 50 40 30 Per 1000 of population 20 10 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 1993
Task 1: Understanding the divorce Task 2: Strategic withdrawal The Psychological Tasks of Children of Divorce Task 1: Understanding the divorce Task 2: Strategic withdrawal Task 3: Dealing with loss Task 4: Dealing with anger Task 5: Working out guilt Task 6: Accepting the permanence Task 7: Taking a chance on love
Summary of Middle Childhood Psychosocial Development Freudian latency stage. Energies focus on learning and productivity. Erikson’s industry vs. inferiority crisis; a focus on achievement is successful resolution. Peer relationships become important; children develop friendships. Children must cope with school and TV influences, divorce, working mothers, living in a violent society, and various other stressors.