Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant by Jesse, Lizzie, and Sebastian
Three Big Questions 1. What happened? 2. Are there still dangers? 3. What have we learned?
Fukushima is about 6,562 miles (10560 km) from Newton Distance Fukushima is about 6,562 miles (10560 km) from Newton
What happened? (Causes) massive earthquake knocked out electricity back-up generators damaged by tsunami Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant before the disaster
What happened? in one reactor, cooling system failed both backup systems failed and there was a meltdown
What happened? seawater had to be pumped cool the radioactive material explosions in other reactors followed
What happened?
Response Japanese Government originally evacuated a 20km zone additional areas to the northwest were later evacuated
Response Workers went near plant to clean waste Health effects, including death, from this
Radioactive Fallout less released than Chernobyl, faster rate still significant amount poses a danger 400 billion neutrons where released
Radioactive Fallout spread of radiation based on global wind currents radioactive isotopes also released into Pacific
Radioactive Fallout in the U.S. Effects not reached East Coast Fallout has been measured in California No harmful levels
Health Effects From Fukushima
Health Effects From Fukushima Japanese Government will announce when citizens can return to their houses in early 2012.
Fukushima in the News Reporters notified via Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency
former Prime Minister Naoto Kan speaking about the disaster Government Response former Prime Minister Naoto Kan speaking about the disaster countries reviewing safety measures some are phasing out nuclear power
Containing Nuclear Waste solidify in glass sealed in stainless containers buried 300 meters nuclear waste research facilities
Containing Nuclear Waste It will take 100,000 years for radiation in waste to decline to safe levels
Could this happen in the US? 104 plants inspected Watts Bar: emergency responder training control panels communication equipment backup generators Watts bar Plant in Spring City, Tennessee
What we've learned more preparation in Japan for quakes, tsunamis, power failures better back-up safety systems
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