Lesson 11: Necessities and Extras
Accessory A. Something that adds attractiveness or usefulness B Someone who aides a lawbreaker, but who was not present at the crime The black, floral headband is Kristen’s favorite accessory. When Joe let Emily copy his homework, he became an accessory to the crime.
Auxiliary A. Providing extra help or support B. A helper; an organization of helpers A. The auxiliary supply of water at the school was useful during the hurricane. B. Many people believe that an auxiliary of troops is needed in Iraq.
Entail To require or involve Earning an A in math class may entail a large amount of studying.
Essence A. The most necessary and basic part B. The concentrated liquid taken from a plant or perfume for flavoring A. The essence of our English class is writing. B. The essence of the new perfume is vanilla.
Excess An extra amount There was an excess amount of food at the Thanksgiving celebration.
Frivolous Not worth serious attention; trivial; silly Some people argue that websites like Facebook and Myspace are frivolous.
Imperative Necessary; commanded Something that is necessary or commanded According to my parents, it is imperative to complete my homework before I am allowed to go out on the weekends.
Notable Worth attention or notice; important A famous or an important person. I believe that running a marathon is a notable accomplishment.
Pertinent Relevant; related to what is being discussed The sensory details in the story were pertinent and helped us imagine the setting.
Significant Important; meaningful Drinking milk provides a significant source of calcium.
WORD BANK Accessory Frivolous Auxiliary Imperative Entail Notable Essence Excess Frivolous Imperative Notable Pertinent Significant