Difficult Conversation: You Smell and People Don’t Like You
Agenda Prepare and Anticipate 5 Steps of the Wily Manager Coaching Model 3 Things to remember www.wilymanager.com
Prepare and Anticipate Script what you’re going to say in advance Prepare concrete examples, or observable behaviours Anticipate possible responses Ensure you understand any legal ramifications www.wilymanager.com
Wily Manager Coaching Model
Context Tell the person right away what you are there to talk about Dispense with normal superficial pleasantries Why it is important What the impact is on others www.wilymanager.com
Clarify Explain, but do not defend Have specific examples or observable behaviours Do not get dragged into parallel issues Stay focused on the issue at hand www.wilymanager.com
Create Figure out what the person will do differently going forward Engage the person in a discussion of what is to happen next. In some cases, you will ask for feedback, in others you need to tell them how it is Agree on specific actions or behaviours with time frames attached www.wilymanager.com
Commit Have the other person articulate exactly what they are going to do differently Use measurable terms wherever possible What will happen by when Document the commitment, and agree on a time for follow up www.wilymanager.com
Close Express you confidence in the other person’s ability to make the change required. Reinforce what you will do to support them in this change Test that you have been understood www.wilymanager.com
3 things Get your ahead around the fact this is going to be uncomfortable. Preparation can reduce but not eliminate discomfort Do not avoid tough talks – it will only fester and get worse Be Prepared www.wilymanager.com