What is mystagogy? Session 1
The fourth stage of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is called “mystagogy,” from the Greek words meaning “to lead through the mysteries.” Traditionally mystagogy extends throughout the Easter season, until the feast of Pentecost. This is a period of accompaniment for new Catholics as they discover what it means to fully participate in the sacramental mysteries of the Church. The newly baptized are called “neophytes,” from the Greek words meaning “new plant,” because the faith has been newly planted in them. Even though their catechetical preparation has been completed, they still have much to learn about what it means to live as Catholic Christians. Things often look different from the inside! Once they find themselves really on the inside, the neophytes often have more questions about living a life of faith. They need the ongoing support of the community so that the faith newly planted in them can grow deep roots. Posted by Neela Kale November 26, 2013 Busted Halo Website https://bustedhalo.com/ministry-resources/what-is-mystagogy
What questions do you have? Probably quite a few, and that is why this course was developed. We hope to be able to answer your questions as we progress through the next few weeks together. If you still have questions, we are happy to try to answer them for you and do what we can to help you continue to grow in your faith.
Reflection… What feelings do you have now that you’re a full member of the Catholic church? “I felt such a spiritual high during the Easter Vigil. But now, everything else seems so ordinary again.” “I feel like I’ve ‘graduated.’ I should know everything that I need to know now. I guess I don’t have to keep coming to these RCIA sessions.” “I feel kind of confused. I spent so much energy preparing for initiation. Now what do I do? Do I just go to church on Sundays and that’s it?” “I really love my new faith, but I still have questions. The more I learn, the more I realize I still need to learn.”
Please click here go to a Google form to complete your weekly journal. Thank you.
Slide 3 image (question man) https://vi. pngtree Slide 3 image (question man) https://vi.pngtree.com/freepng/small-plastic- people_672275.html Slide 4 image (man kneeling) By ProtoplasmaKid - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16191277 Slide 5 image (path) https://freeartbackgrounds.com/?952,forest-road-background Credits The following images and videos were used to help create this presentation.