Ace Your Performance Review
Agenda Why things go wrong with Performance Appraisals How to address discrepancies What if you don’t agree Managing self-performance and perceptions 3 things to remember
Why They Go Wrong They are treated as an annual “event” rather than part of the ongoing feedback process. People don’t prepare or dedicate the time necessary. The giver and receiver of the feedback are from different planets
How Discrepancies Occur You don’t fully understand the expectations You measure performance by different “yardsticks” You are delusional
How to Address Discrepancies Know how performance is evaluated: Goals & Objectives 360 Behavioural Observation Unstructured format Ask to see the forms/format prior to review Articulate expectations in writing
If You Don’t Agree Raise objections professionally and stay calm Ask for specific examples that led to a particular rating/comment Escalate the matter if you have to, but be careful
Manage perceptions all year long Agree in advance on performance goals and metrics Proactively upward manage your boss Keep your own performance feedback file Ask for feedback regularly and act on it
3 Things to Remember There should never be any surprises at a Performance Review. If your boss/organization does not proactively manage performance, then you need to. Manage performance (and the perception of performance) all year long