Marine Strategy Framework Directive Common Implementation Strategy Working Group on Economic and Social Assessment Meeting 25-26th October 2012 Edinburgh European Commission DG Environment Marine and Water Industry Unit
Agenda Item 2 - Commission update State of affairs of the CIS of the MSFD 2012 is a crucial year for the Implementation of the Marine Directive ! Since 15th October, Member States have notified the Commission with the outcomes of their initial assessment, determination of GES and environmental targets 10 out of 22 have reported on time…some progress since then but also some significant delays! Reports (mostly) publically available on EEA Reportnet or through new EUROPA marine web pages –”Scoreboard” ( -> Legislation->Implementation)
MSFD Scoreboard Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Denmark Estonia Finland France Art. 26 Art. 7 Art. 8/ 9/10 Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Art. 26 Art. 7 Art. 8/ 9/10 Latvia Lithuania Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Spain Sweden UK
Art 12 : adequacy and coherence Commission assessment whether the three elements constitute an “appropriate framework to meet the requirements of the Directive” Commission will also assess the coherence of these frameworks within the marine regions and across the EU. Report including Recommendations to Member States
Art 12 : results and follow up Six months to assess after all reports have been received -> COM report in late 2013? Additionally, 'in-depth' assessments will be undertaken -> informal technical documents Gaps and shortcomings identified during the Art. 12 assessment will form the basis for appropriate follow up, including formal requests for amendments, work programme for CIS and RSCs or project needs (e.g. research)
Marine Directors June 2012 – some results CIS work plan for 2012-2014 : same structure for working groups, but to have thematic workshops dedicated to more specific topics Final reporting package and technical work on the electronic tools Project Coordination Group will be established to: improve coordination of on-going and future projects relevant for MSFD strengthen the role of the RSCs with regard to MSFD implementation activities
Ongoing projects by EC Framework contract for services related to coordination between the different marine regions in implementing the ecosystem approach Support for the development of methodological standards in relation to good environmental status of the seas under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Emerging pressures, human activities and measures in the marine environment (including marine litter) Parliamentary Pilot project : New knowledge for an integrated management of human activity in the sea Parliamentary Pilot project: Marine litter recovery
Many relevant RTD projects, in particular STAGES Science and Technology Advancing Governance on GES STAGES – 7th FP Identify and synthesize the knowledge generated through EU and national research funded activities with relevance to MSFD objectives widely accessible to policy and decision makers and to MSFD stakeholders Identify the needs for further research to improve the scientific underpinning for the implementation of the MSFD Provide concrete, pragmatic and ready-to-use recommendations on the development of an effective European science-policy platform to support implementation of the MSFD
Progress in other WGs - What about GES? Work on a coherent approach to the determination of GES and setting of targets (in future scales and aggregation) Future work programme of WG GES: more expert discussions are needed on specific topics -> dedicated workshops rather than within new permanent working groups. In addition to TSGs marine litter and noise, technical workshops on biodiversity, fisheries, eutrophication and contaminants.
Key workshops in 2012 Descriptor 3 (fisheries) workshop, 24-25 April 2012, Paris Links between the MSFD and the WFD, 18-19 June 2012, Paris UN Regular Process for a global marine assessment, with a focus on the European and Atlantic marine regions, 27-29 June 2012, Brussels JRC Workshop on Eutrophication and Contaminants, 23-24 October 2012, Ispra JRC Workshop on Biodiversity descriptors, 7-8 November 2012, Brussels
Progress in other WsGs - What about DIKE? Reporting sheets -> summer 2012 Now focuses more and more on other issues beyond reporting In particular, implementation of Art 19(3) which addresses access to data from the MS initial assessments Start working on monitoring and programmes of measures reporting in meeting 30/31 Oct 2012 SCG May 2012
Other CIS progress in 2012 Frequently Asked Questions about the links between the Marine Directive and the Nature Directives published on 28 September Report according to Article 20.2: analyses the contribution of the Directive to international obligations, to be published in November 2012 Marine Litter document: overview on EU policies, to be published in November 2012 CIRCABC - public
Outlook Upcoming Marine Directors’ meeting joint work with WFD, biodiversity and nature Art. 12 process reporting, next stages Calendar 2013 available (tentative dates) joint ESA/GES workshop Marine Litter Conference co-organised by Germany and EC (10-11 April 2013) EU Marine Conference (end 2013/beginning 2014)
Thank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention!
Wider perspective Importance of all these activities will increase in importance in the years to come also in a wider perspective Focus now should be on a positive economic agenda, how can economic and social expertise help in achieving GES and thereby implement MSFD Essential to link up with WG GES Disproportionate costs and exemptions are a more negative agenda (“how to avoid action?”) Help making Blue Growth sustainable (See Blue Growth Communication of September focussing on aquaculture, tourism, biotechnology, mineral mining, energy)
Possible topics for workshops One of them… “From targets to measures” Possible topics are: The use of operational targets which are more closely linked to possible measures; The use and function of interim targets (best practice examples); Sharing approaches with regard to measures (regulative, economic, physical measures); Social and economic impacts of measures; The use and further development of a common “database” on possible measures (sharing best practives); Assessing the effectiveness of measures. These topics could be addressed by joint workhsop of WG GES and WG ESA participants
Preparation of ESA / GES Workshop Use workshop to present expamples and identify interest in a follow up work under WSFD CIS, with close involvement of RSCs Brainstoring of ideas in WG ESA and WG GES Ideas for brainstoring in presentation from Edi Interwies (InterSus) Results will be used to prepare agenda and discussion paper for the workshop Volunteers for presentations needed!
Timetable and process First draft agenda will be issued by the end of the year – ESA comments in writing Identifications of ESA volunteers to help prepare discussion document Exchange with volunteers on outline and content of discussion document (January / February) Finalisation of the agenda, workshop papers (discussion document) and speakers (March) ESA/GES Workshop (April) Results to be presented to MSCG and Marine Directors (June) with propoal for further work items under existing WP
Objectives of WG ESA To analyse lessons learnt from Member States' initial ESA and conclusions from related activities under the RSCs. In light of this, review and as necessary update the WG ESA guidance document on initial assessment. Consider approaches to development and analysis of measures in close cooperation with WG GES and drawing on experience from the WFD/CIS, in particular: Socio-economic analysis of potential common measures needed to close the gap between BAU and targets for GES. Exchange of information and experience on approaches to assessing social and economic impacts of measures, including cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit analyses and application of disproportionate cost. Identify priorities for research and address knowledge gaps to support social and economic matters covered by the Directive. Promote communication, cooperation and coordination between marine regions and sub-regions in order to improve the consistency and coherence of social and economic assessments. Facilitate cooperation and links between WG ESA and other MSFD CIS work.
Work Plan 2012-2014 on WG ESA (1) To support Member States in meeting the economic and social assessment requirements of the Directive and ensuring consistency and coherence of approaches focus so far on facilitating a common understanding of ESA of the use of those waters and of the cost of degradation of the marine environment (Art. 8.1.c)
Work Plan 2012-2014 on WG ESA (2) Also a forum for addressing other social and economic matters covered by the Directive (Annex IV, Art. 13.3 and Art. 14.4): social and economic impacts of targets and measures, cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit analyses, disproportionate costs Key issue still: cost of degradation