Teenage and Young Adult Cancers by Diagnostic Group and Cancer Site: 2001-2005 Five-Year Relative Survival Rates, Females, Ages 15-24, UK All teenage and young adult (TYA) cancers includes all invasive cancers excluding non-melanoma skin cancers (ICD-10 codes: C00-C97 excluding C44), and all benign/uncertain brain/other CNS tumours (ICD-10 codes: D32-D33, D35.2-D35.4, D42-D43 and D44.3-D44.5, except for Northern Ireland for which ICD-10 codes: D32,D33.0-D33.4, D35.2-D35.4, D42, D43.0-D43.4 and D44.3-D44.5 are included). Please include the citation provided in our Frequently Asked Questions when reproducing this chart: http://info.cancerresearchuk.org/cancerstats/faqs/#How Prepared by Cancer Research UK Original data source: North West Cancer Intelligence Service (NWCIS).