In this Sermon Series, we have been exploring "the full armor of God" that is described in Ephesians 6, why each piece is needed, and how to better live a victorious Christian life in a world full of darkness.
Ephesians 6:16 “In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”
The first Roman shield that we will look at is one that was used only for public parades and ceremonies. This shield was a small round shield that was primarily a decorative piece of equipment. Although this shield was beautiful, it was never used in battle for it was just too small.
of the walls of the camp (the Church) while There are many Christians whose faith shield is decorated with many engravings of their “works” and paraded around for all to see. They parade their faith around in the safety of the walls of the camp (the Church) while the enemy is on the outside of the walls. While they are in Church, their faith is high and on display for all to see, yet when they get into “battles” they realize that their faith is not what they pretend or hope it is. A Biblical example for this: The Apostle Peter (Luke 22: 31-34)
The 2nd Roman shield was called a “thureon” and is the shield Paul was referring to. • main form of protection • shaped like a Door • 2.5’ wide x 4.5’ tall • light, carried in battle • usually 6 layers of wood/ wicker work/animal hide glued/tightly woven together
• almost as strong as steel • extremely tough & durable edge = bronze or iron • central raised boss was heavy bronze/iron for attack • attached to small clip on soldier’s loin belt - Belt of Truth works with the Shield of Faith. Knowing God’s Truth (His Word) helps us in “battles” of faith
The large size of the shields and the interlocking corners of them, allowed the soldiers to form a "testudo’’ (Latin for “tortoise”). This was a shield wall or shell that could protect them during an advance or if under heavy attack.
So… we see with Paul’s imagery of these shields of faith that protect ourselves and also provided “covering” for others… but are best displayed when a community of Christians demonstrates their faith together.
and brittle…and would break, leading to death. To keep their shield “battle-ready”, every morning a soldier would saturate a piece of cloth with oil, he would begin to rub the oil into the leather portion of the shield to keep it soft, supple and pliable. If he failed to do this, the shield would dry out become hard, stiff and brittle…and would break, leading to death. The shields would also be soaked in water just before going on battlefield, so that even if flaming arrows hit, they’d be extinguished.
No doubt…it is the faith that God provides us, as a free gift, that represents this shield. But…we are responsible for “fresh anointings” of care for our faith (through time in the Word, in prayer, Service, and Fellowship). Without these things….only living on our “past faith”, this shield will not hold up in hard times.
the trustworthiness of God. Genesis 3: “The Fall” Adam & Eve did not take up their shields of faith, allowing their own desires and doubts to overshadow the trustworthiness of God.
1 Peter 5: 8-9 8 “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.”
God’s might can shield us. Deeper than any human longing, Stronger than any army, God’s might can shield us. Deeper than any human longing, God’s reward can satisfy us.
The Salvation of our Souls 1 Peter 1: 3-9 The goal of our faith: The Salvation of our Souls
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