WWII: The Road to War
A. Treaty of Versailles Review: How was Germany treated? How could this be a cause of WWII? Treated Germany bad! G pay reparations; couldn’t have military
1928: Kellog Briand Pact Made war illegal * did it work???? How do we know???
Allied Powers (Good Guys) Great Britain Prime Minister Winston Churchill France Charles de Gaulle USSR (Russia) Josef Stalin US Pres FDR and then Pres Truman
Axis Powers (Bad Guys) Japan Italy Germany Spain Emperor Hirohito Benito Mussolini: leader of Fascist Party Germany Adolf Hitler: leader of National Socialist Party (Nazis) Spain Dictator Francisco Franco
1931: Japan takes over Manchuria Japan was trying to become an imperial power Review: when did the US become an imperial power?
1935: Italy Invades Ethiopia Ethiopia = Africa Mussolini wanted to expand Italian Empire
1935-1939: Spanish Civil War Fascist: Francisco Franco Franco (change “France”) gets help from Hitler
1933: Nazis take power in G Leader: Adolf Hitler Official title: National Socialist Party Goal: build up Germany’s military, expand, have a pure Germany Only Aryans No Jews, gypsies, communists, mixed race….
1. March 1938: Anschluss Germany annexes Austria
The Sudetenland
2. September 1938: Munich Conference France and Great Britain agree to give Hitler the Sudetenland The Sudetenland was a part of Czechoslovakia Can countries give away parts of other countries?
Appeasement giving up principles to pacify an aggressor…. Do whatever it takes to NOT have war
Sept 1938: MUNICH CONFERENCE Neville Chamberlain (GB) “My friends, there has come back from Germany peace with honor. I believe it is peace in our time.” F and GB give Hitler the Sudetenland APPEASEMENT: giving up principles to pacify an aggressor…. Do whatever it takes to NOT have war
British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain Now we have “peace in our time!” Herr Hitler is a man we can do business with.
Opposition to Appeasement Winston Churchill: “Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonor. They chose Dishonor. They will have war.”
3. March 1939: Hitler invades the rest of Czechoslovakia
4. German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact Secret treaty; HUGE surprise Goal: no two front war! Divide up Poland
German Soviet Non-Aggression Pact G and USSR sign agreement not to fight each other Divide up Poland Secret!!!!!
5. 1 September 1939: Germany invades Poland: WAR! Blitzkrieg: “lightning war” New German strategy using tanks and planes to overwhelm opponent
German troops enter Warsaw
6. September 1939- April 1940: Phony War Nothing really happens…. What is Hitler going to do next? How do France and Great Britain prepare? What is the American response?
7. Spring 1940: Hitler on the move Hitler invades Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg
8. May 1940: British and French troops Evacuate at Dunkirk
9. June 1940: France Surrenders
Fall of France
Divided France Henri Petain
Oct 1940: Battle of Britain
Battle of Britain: The Blitz Hitler tries to force GB to surrender by bombing London
The Blitz: London
June 1941: Hitler invades USSR
Axis Powers 1942