San Diego Supercomputer Center University of California, San Diego What is SRB Matrix? Data Grid Automation Arun Jagatheesan et al., San Diego Supercomputer Center University of California, San Diego VLDB Workshop on Data Management in Grids Trondheim, Norway, 2-3 September 2005
Talk Outline Data grid Landscape Long-run data management processes Data Grid ILM Data Grid Triggers Dataflow Pipelines Execution Logic – Data Grid Language End-to-End Infrastructure Deployment API User GUI Service-oriented *Infrastructure*
Data Grid Landscape
The “Grid” Vision complexity in getting electrical grid (transmission, fluctuation etc) but once done plug-n-play devices to grid; similary … grids in computing.
Data Grid Resource Providers I start with by introducing the reality. We have some data and storage on some disk/ hierarchical resource. IT can have its own directories or physical names for the data. These are Grid Resource providers from the GFS perspective. Later these resource providers could be other sources like service registries or any thing dealing with a naming system or catalog. It is highly tempting to say that GFS Resource providers are nothing but SRM – at least looks for me to be so. But please refrain from doing that. We need to have the GSM also agree to this picture. Grid Resource Providers (GRP) providing content and/or storage /txt3.txt GRP GRP
Data Grid Administrative Domain Administrative domain with one or more GFS Resource Providers Could include their data centers Research Lab Multiple such resource provides could be present in an organization or autonomous administrative domain as we called before. /txt3.txt GRP GRP
Data Grid Administrative domains University data + storage (10) Storage-R-Us Resource Providers data + storage (50) Research lab- Taiwan data + storage (40) There could be multiple administrative domains like this that makes up an virtual enterprise or what we call as the Grid GRP /txt3.txt GRP GRP GRP /…/text1.txt /…//text2.txt
Data Grid (Enterprise Utility) Physical Resources managed by autonomous administrative domains of the same enterprise ( IT Department US IT Department Asia 3rd Party US Data center Asia
Data Grid (Enterprise Utility) Each project has a data grid instance consisting of Logical Resources with different SLAs offered by IT department Project 1 Project 2 IT Department US IT Department Asia 3rd Party US Data center Asia
Data Grid (Enterprise Utility) Project1 Project2 Project3 Project4 IT Department US IT Department Asia 3rd Party US Data center Asia
Long-run Processes in Data Grid Data Grid ILM Data Grid Triggers Data Gridflows
Data Grid ILM
Change is Constant Changes in access patterns Data Value Based on number of users accessing a data Domains which want to access data Data Value The value of data set (collections?) for a particular domain based on it business model and users’ access patterns Each domain will have a different value based on its users and its role in a data grid
“Data Value” based on users When more users access a project’ data, its data value increases, move that data to a faster storage type Project1 Project2 Project3 Project4 IT Department US IT Department Asia 3rd Party US Data center Asia
“Data Value” based on domain When more users from the same domain access the data, the data value for that particular data in that particular domain increases, so replicate the data to resources in that domain. (converse is also true) Project1 Project2 Project3 Project4 IT Department US IT Department Asia 3rd Party US Data center Asia
“Data Value” based on role The 3rd party data center – no users who use data, but is interested in having replica of any data (or deleted data) for long term preservation Project1 Project2 Project3 Project4 IT Department US IT Department Asia 3rd Party US Data center Asia
Data Grid ILM ILM = Information Lifecycle Management Dynamic re-orientation of data placement and data retention policies (rules) Based on “business value of data” and storage cost HSM = Hierarchical Storage Management, based on “data freshness”. ILM goes one step further Applying this concept on Data Grid, very tricky as different autonomous domains have different business rules
Data Grid Triggers
Data Grid Triggers Similar to triggers in databases Based on ECA concepts Event Condition Action Example Event = Insert new file in collection (“/ourProject/data”) Condition = (color= “blue” && galaxy = “Andromedia”) Action = Run ( selectiveDataReplicator.dgl )
Data Discovery New data Digital entities Meta-data Services State updates relationships among data in collections Meta-data Services invoked to analyze new relationships Services DGMS applications get notified of state updates Generalizing the pipelines used in all these projects Heavy use of Animation: Take care not to press <enter> or click to many times as it will skip the next slides State
Data Gridflows
Gridflow in SCEC (data information pipeline) Metadata derivation Pipeline could be triggered by input at data source or by a data request from user Ingest Data Ingest Metadata Determine analysis pipeline Initiate automated analysis Use the optimal set of resources based on the task – on demand Organize result data into distributed data grid collections All gridflow activities stored for data flow provenance
Data Grid Language (DGL)
Data Grid Language Requirement Analogy of SQL in relational databases Data Grid ILM process The long run process that has to be run is described in DGL Data Grid Triggers Action part of the ECA (Event-Condition-Action) logic Data Gridflows Step by step execution of long run process on Data Grid Analogy of SQL in relational databases Long-run process procedures stored and executed in Data Grid it self Captures the “Infrastructure Execution Logic”
DGL Request Annotations about the Data Grid Request Can be either a Flow or a Status Query
DGL Requests (2 types) Data Grid Flow Status Query An XML Structure that describes the execution logic, associated procedural rules and DGL variables. Can be synchronous or asynchronous flow Status Query An XML Structure used to query the execution status any gridflow or a sub-flow at any granular level. Status Queries can be made for both synchronous and asynchronous flows
Flow Scoped Variables that can control the flow Logic used by the sub-members Sub-members that are the real execution statements
Flow Logic (How a flow executes)
… <userDefinedRule name="beforeEntry"> <condition> <simpleQuery>$numVar == 1</simpleQuery> </condition> <action name="true"> <actionString>SET var1 = 1</actionString> </action> <actionString>SET var2 = "foo"</actionString> <action name="false"> <actionString>SET var1 = 0</actionString> </userDefinedRule>
What is SRB Matrix? Matrix provides the SRB as a Web Service Web Service based on Data Grid Language SOA for Data Grid or Digital Library Service oriented *infrastructure* Asynchronous end-user facing applications Long run operations presented to users as portlets Data Grid Automation and ILM File Triggers on unstructured data Automated movement or management of data
Matrix Gridflow Server Architecture JAXM Wrapper WSDL Description JMS Messaging Interface Event Publish Subscribe, Notification SOAP Service for Matrix Clients Matrix Data Grid Request Processor Sangam P2P Gridflow Broker and Protocols Transaction Handler Status Query Handler Workflow Query Processor Flow Handler and Execution Manager XQuery Processor ECA rules Handler Gridflow Meta data Manager Persistence (Store) Abstraction Matrix Agent Abstraction SDSC SRB Agents Other SDSC Data Services Agents for java, WSDL and other grid executables JDBC In Memory Store
Conclusion Data Grids are evolving Data Grid Automation of long-run processes essential Need a language for Data Grid Automation Data Grid Language is one such effort as part SRB Matrix Project Open source project for anyone to use (or join) (or