NGN interoperability - TTC activities in ITU-T - Document No: GSC16-PLEN-20 Source: TTC Contact: Kaoru Kenyoshi GSC Session: PLENARY Agenda Item: 6.8: Interoperability NGN interoperability - TTC activities in ITU-T - Kaoru Kenyoshi TTC as the PPSO of interoperability
Highlight of Current Activities TTC is continuously contributing to ITU-T SG11 to improve NGN interoperability since Res.76 was adopted in WTSA08. TTC proposed new draft Recommendations Q.3903 “NGN interoperability” and Q.3948 “Service testing framework for VoIP at NGN UNI”. These Recommendations were approved in ITU-T SG11 meeting in May and October 2011 respectively. TTC proposes the detailed signalling specifications and test specifications based on the TTC and HATS activities on NGN interoperability. TTC members have been actively participating in IPTV Interop Events conducted by ITU-T SG16 and contributing to JCA-CIT meeting. Note[1]:
Highlight of Current Activities Work plan of up-streaming to ITU-T SG11 2011. 3Q 2011. 4Q 2012. 1Q CJK (11-13 JUL) ITU-T (10-21 OCT) (8-10 DEC) (6-17 FRB) Q.3903 “NGN interoperability” Q.3948 “Service testing framework for VoIP at NGN UNI”. Q.NGN multi-media test specifications Q.NGN video telephony test specifications Q.NGN supplementary service protocols ● Initial draft ▲Approved (10/21) ▲ Approved (5/27) ★Proposal (7/4) ●CJK ● Initial draft ●CJK ▲Approval (2/6) ★Proposal (7/4) Approval in June ●CJK ●Initial draft ●CJK ●Finalize ★Proposal(7/4) Approval in June ●CJK ●Initial draft ●CJK ●Finalize Note[1]:
Technical information Strategic Direction TTC developed TTC standards JT-Q3401 and JT-Q3402 to specify the detailed protocol specifications at NGN UNI and NNI for interoperability between Japanese operators. TTC proposes our experiences to ITU-T SG11 and invites contributions from various SDOs based on this and develop the global standards. ITU-T Q.3402 TTC JT-Q3402 ITU-T Service specifications for VoIP ITU-T Rec. Q.3948 VoIP conformance Testing at NGN UNI Down stream TTC TR-9024 Main text Annex Up stream Annex Appendix Main text TTC additional spec. Technical information Annex Appendix SDOa SDOb SDOc
How to develop NGN Multimedia service testing specification Challenges How to develop NGN Multimedia service testing specification Fundamental Structure of Multi-media service testing specifications is based on Q.3948 “VoIP service testing at NGN UNI” MM service contains many sub-service Video Phone Video Conference Data Conference 2 parts structures of MM service testing MM service framework testing Profiles Testing preparation Sub-service testing (ex. Video Phone service) Test procedure Test cording Q.NGN interoprability Q.3909 VoIP service testing at NGN UNI Q.3948 MM service testing framework Profiles Preparation PSTN/ISDN simulation service testing Video Phone service testing Video Conference service testing Data Conference Procedure Cording Annex SD(MPEG) SD(H263) HD(H264)
Launching New Work Programme “PSTN/ISDN simulation service” Next Steps / Actions Launching New Work Programme “PSTN/ISDN simulation service” ITU-T Rec. Q.2211 defines OIP, OIR, TIP, TIR, MCID, ACR, CDIV, HOLD, CB, CCBS, CW, MWI, CONF, AOC, ECT, RC, UPT, CRBT, CRT Develop protocol specifications to global deployment Step 1: Define the target services of PSTN/ISDN simulation services to develop service protocol specifications Step 2: Define the reference base specification of SDOs (ex. TTC, ETSI, 3GPP) Step 3: Modify/re-define/endorse base reference specifications and adjust them to ITU-T requirements and architectures, etc.
TTC proposes to reaffirm the HIS interoperability. Next Steps / Actions Support developing countries Many efforts on interoperability have been done and are on-going in various SDOs such as developing protocol specifications, test specifications and examination of interop events. But there are still interoperability problems in the developing countries. SDOs have to support the deployment and build up the human capabilities in the developing countries. Key roll of ITU-T ITU-T should take the lead coordinating role in the harmonization of various standards based on the concept of consistent end-to-end interoperability. Vigorous protocols are developed in the vigorous SDO. ITU-T should study the practical solution and promote the deployment of interoperable and affordable NGN equipment. TTC proposes to reaffirm the HIS interoperability.