Making a Law A Step by Step Guide
There is a problem . . . The people decide there is an issue they want the government to address They write letters to the government They write to newspapers or television stations They form pressure groups They demonstrate Or they try to get elected themselves
The bill begins . . . The Prime Minister, the Cabinet ministers or even a back bencher will propose a new bill The bill is written in draft form The Prime Minister approves the draft
The First Reading The bill is introduced to the 308 Members of Parliament in the House of Commons in a brief statement
Second Reading The reason for the bill is explained The principle of the bill is debated A House of Commons committee examines the bill clause by clause making changes and improvements The public may attend the hearings The bill is voted on
Third Reading Usually there is a brief debate The bill is voted on and is either passed or defeated But it’s not a law yet, even if it is passed
The Senate The Second House or Senate of 105 appointed senators offers “sober second thought” They represent each province and territory The bill is again read three times and goes to committee The Senate can stop a bill but rarely does because they are not elected They may send a bill back to the House
The Governor General Acting on behalf of the Queen, the Governor General gives the bill royal assent It is now a law