Panellists Facilitator Sofia Calltorp, Deputy Director, Head of Humanitarian Section, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden Claus Sörensen, Director-General DG Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection Jeremy Konyndyk, Director of USAID's Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) Manuel Bessler, Ambassador and Delegate for Humanitarian Aid; Head of the SHA Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Facilitator Panos Moumtzis Director, IASC Senior Transformative Agenda Implementation Team (STAIT)
Source: World Humanitarian Data end Trends – OCHA 2014
How to make response more efficient?
Has the Transformative Agenda influenced the Good Humanitarian Donorship?
Has coordination enhanced efficiency and effectiveness?
Needs vs. Resources How to get more mileage for our dollors?
Being fast at right time and place Do we succeed?
Gender Sensitive Approach Sufficiently integrated in humanitarian response?
Does principled approach make humanitarian response more efficient?
Donor’s take in Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) What did donors do?
Background Documents Principles and Good Practice of Humanitarian Donorship Building Resilience to Recurrent Crisis - USAID Policy and Program Guidance December, 2012 Saving Lives and Alleviating Suffering – Policy for Sweden’s Humanitarian Assistance 2010-2016 Future Humanitarian Financing: Look Beyond the Crisis, March 2015 The European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid The European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid: an NGO Perspective Humanitarian Access in Situations of Armed Conflict – Practitioners Manual, Version 2, December 2014 ‘Cash transfers and the future of humanitarian assistance’, SDC-CALP – Note for ECOSOC Humanitarian Segment, July 2013