Documenting Your Work Through Artifacts November 2012
Objectives for today If we have done our job today, you will: Understand what to expect from your Formative Assessment and Summative Evaluation Identify types of evidence that you will use to document progress toward goals proficiency in 4 standards Understand how to upload evidence into the EDFS At this point: ask for a show of hands to identify those at the same stage so they may sit near each other Brand new to the process Have written some goals ideas Have a draft to revise or receive feedback
For more information, visit: For more information, visit: EDFS: Email questions, comments and feedback to: MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Evaluation Site:
Norms How can we, as a team of adults looking to support and help children learn, work together most effectively today? Respect diversity of perspectives Engage in active listening Assume best intentions Provide safety and confidentiality Know that there are “no dumb questions” Others? 4
Introductions: Turn and Talk Name School What would you like to improve upon this school year? Introduce yourself to someone nearby who you don’t know Facilitators introduce themselves 5
Formative Assessment & Summative Evaluation Today’s Agenda Formative Assessment & Summative Evaluation Documenting Your Work Through Artifacts Work Time Overview of session 6
Plan Development & Implementation Self-Assessment Analysis, goal-setting & plan development Implementation of the plan Formative Assessment/Evaluation Summative Evaluation
Overall Ratings Progress on Ratings on Overall Goals 4 Standards Rating Educators are responsible for providing evidence for all standards and goals Student Learning Professional Practice I. Curriculum, Planning and Assessment II. Teaching All Students III. Family & Community Engagement IV. Professional Culture Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
Evaluations in EDFS
Evaluations in EDFS
Evaluations in EDFS: Rating Goals
Evaluations in EDFS: Rating Standards
Evaluations in EDFS: Comments
Evaluations in EDFS: Overall Rating
Evaluations in EDFS: Evaluator Sign-Off
Evaluations in EDFS: Release
Evaluations in EDFS: Educator Sign-Off
Formative Assessment & Summative Evaluation Usually at midpoint of cycle May lead to a change in plan Summative Evaluation By May 15 for one-year plans Overall rating determines the next plan Overview of session 18
Formative Assessment & Summative Evaluation Meetings Upon request of educator or evaluator Required for ratings of NI or Unsatisfactory Prescriptions issued for standards rated less than proficient Questions? Overview of session 19
Formative Assessment & Summative Evaluation Today’s Agenda Formative Assessment & Summative Evaluation Documenting Your Work Through Artifacts Work Time Overview of session 20
Evidence: Observations & Artifacts Ratings on Goals & Standards based on: Evidence collected in observations Evidence documented in artifacts Artifacts can be submitted by the Educator OR the Evaluator Overview of session 21
Select the “Artifacts” icon and you will get this screen: Uploading onto EDFS Step 1: Step 2: Select the “Artifacts” icon and you will get this screen:
When you click “Add Artifacts,” you will get this: Uploading onto EDFS When you click “Add Artifacts,” you will get this: Description (what is it?) Rationale (why this?) Tags (which goals & standards?) Choose File & Save
Professional Practice Goal Possible Artifacts Standard I Standard II Standard III Standard IV Student Learning Goal Professional Practice Goal Unit & lesson plans Modified plans & materials Newsletters Thoughtful self-assessment & goals Student work samples Records of/ Reflections on practice Student work Data analysis Pass out packets 3-4 artifacts per standard/goal recommended An artifact can be evidence for multiple standards/goals
Good: Better: Best: Log showing dates of with families Artifacts Good: Log showing dates of with families Better: Include content of each point of contact Best: Document impact of contact on behavior of a particular student Pass out packets
Upload electronic files on EDFS Artifacts Upload electronic files on EDFS Can keep a binder & provide descriptions in EDFS May include Word documents, spreadsheets, powerpoints Photos, videos, or scanned copies of student work Should be robust Connect to rubric Demonstrate impact on student learning Needs to be digital representation on EDFS, but can maintain binder for items difficult to scan – moving towards paperless, but for transition this is ok 26
Formative Assessment & Summative Evaluation Today’s Agenda Formative Assessment & Summative Evaluation Documenting Your Work Through Artifacts Work Time Overview of session 27
Brainstorming Evidence: Goals Rating Exceeded, Met, Significant Progress, Some Progress, or Did Not Meet Rationale Claim: Evidence 1: Evidence 2: Evidence 3: Think about how you will document the completion of your action steps
Brainstorming Evidence: Standards I. Curriculum, Planning, & Assessment Rating Exceeded, Met, Significant Progress, Some Progress, or Did Not Meet Rationale Claim: Evidence 1: Evidence 2: Evidence 3: Connection to rubric: Think about how you could document the impact on student learning
Resources, Support, Questions, and Feedback For more information, visit: EDFS: Email questions, comments and feedback to: MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Evaluation Site:
Office of Educator Effectiveness Ross Wilson, Assistant Superintendent for Educator Effectiveness Jared Joiner, Implementation Specialist Emily Kalejs Qazilbash, Implementation Specialist Angela Rubenstein, Implementation Specialist Kris Taylor, Implementation Specialist Jenna Costin, EDFS On-line System Coordinator
Have we met our goals for today? If we have done our job today, you: Understand what to expect from your Formative Assessment and Summative Evaluation Identify types of evidence that you will use to document progress toward goals proficiency in 4 standards Understand how to upload evidence into the EDFS At this point: ask for a show of hands to identify those at the same stage so they may sit near each other Brand new to the process Have written some goals ideas Have a draft to revise or receive feedback