Figuring Food Cost
BI + P – EI / SALES = Food Cost What you need to know BI – Beginning Inventory P – Purchases EI – Ending Inventory Sales
BI + P – EI / SALES = Food Cost Beginning Inventory- Last week $ Sales – ($1560) Ending Inventory – This week $ Purchases – (Invoices)
Converting Recipes
Items to Memorize 3 teaspoons = 1 Tablespoon 2 Tablespoons = 1 ounce 8 ounces = 1 Cup 2 Cup = 1 pint 2 pints = 1 quart 4 quarts = 1 gallon 128 ounces = 1 gallon
Step 1- Find the Yield Determine Yield of recipe (How Much Does it make) EX. Chicken Noodle Soup Servings 8 (8 oz) 8 X 8 = 64 ounces
Step 2- Determine New Yield Determine Yield Needed for New Recipe Ex- Party for 128 people with 5 oz portions 128 oz * 5 = 640 oz
Step 3- Conversion Factor Find conversion factor Conversion factor = New/Old 640/64 or 10
Step 4- Multiply Multiply ALL ingredients by conversion factor
Chicken Soup Yield 64 oz 4 qtChicken Stock 1 lbOnion 8 ozCarrot 8 oz Celery 1 lbNoodles
Converted Recipe Yield 640 oz 40 qtChicken Stock 10 lbOnion 80 ozCarrot 80 oz Celery 10 lbNoodles
I need 2 ounces per plate for 96 plates Red Pepper Coulis Yield = 1 qt 3 lbred onion 4 oz onion chopped 2 eagarlic cloves ¼ eajalepeno 2 TOlive Oil 1.5 ptchicken stock 2 TBalsamic Vinegar ½ tSalt Pinchblack pepper
I want to make this at home, I only need 1 cup Cider Sauce Yield = 1 qt 1 qtapple cider 3 ozcider vinegar 1 ptchicken stock ¼ tsalt ¼ tpepper 1.5 lbapples