Enhancing Attack Robustness of Scale-free Networks by Camouflage 吴 俊 国防科大信息系统与管理学院管理系 wujunpla@hotmail.com
Contents Introduction Attack model with inaccurate information Enhancing attack robustness by camouflage Conclusions
Introduction The function and performance of complex networks rely on their robustness. Due to its broad applications, the attack robustness of complex networks has received growing attention.
Introduction The ultimate purpose of research on network robustness is to obtain a robust network. Many studies have been devoted to designing networks with optimal robustness 。 However, most real networks are the results of complex and extended processes; thus, designing new ones is almost impossible. Therefore, explore existing networks and improving their robustness by modifying the topology, e.g., adding, deleting, rewiring, or repairing edges, seem more feasible and effective.
Introduction Rather than modifying the network structure, an alternative approach is to change the information of the network structure.
Perfect Information
Incomplete Information
Inaccurate Information
Attack model with inaccurate information
Enhancing attack robustness by camouflage Camouflage range: Camouflage coefficient: Camouflage nodes in descending order of degree of nodes (‘rich strategy’) Random camouflage nodes (‘random strategy’) Camouflage nodes in ascending order of degree of nodes (‘poor strategy’)
Enhancing attack robustness by camouflage
Enhancing attack robustness by camouflage
Conclusions 假作真时真亦假; 无为有处有还无。 ——曹雪芹