Factors Affecting Sand Dune Ecosystems
1) BEACH MANAGEMENT Beach cleaning methods: remove obstructions needed for sand to be caught on – hinders formation of embryo dunes and destroys fragile dunes.
2) RECREATION Dunes used extensively by holiday makers Vegetation under pressure from trampling from people walking, cars and motorcycles. Excessive pressure can wear vegetation cover into deep gullies Result: loss of vegetation cover
3) GRAZING Long history of grazing on dunes Problem: excessive grazing Rabbits: hundreds can build large holes in dunes Result: loss of vegetation cover
4) Military Use Some dunes used for military training and construction of defensive machinery particularly in Scotland and in Devon. Results in loss of vegetation cover
IMPACT OF VEGETATION LOSS: No vegetation: easy for winds to pick up sand and blow it away. Result: hole created in surface of dunes BLOWOUT (where dunes become wasting dunes) Most likely: near beach where there is less shelter from the prevailing winds & young dunes are fragile Result: overall loss in biomass and species diversity
Case Study: Blakeney Point, N Norfolk Think of 5 ways that sand dunes can be protected
Case Study: Blakeney Point, N Norfolk 1. Regulate number of boat trips to 1hr visit maximum 2. Board walks along dunes to protect: (a) nesting birds (b) The dunes themselves to stop blowouts 3. Fencing off areas to the public 4. Tourist / nature info boards to educate public about ecosystem, fragility and how it can be protected.