Social Behavior Schools- when fish aggregate together Protection- apparent size, reduces chance of getting eaten for the individual Feeding-Collectively round up prey Mostly bony fish school. Same size and species. Hammerhead is known to school.
Migration The regular movement of an organism from one location to another. Daily, yearly or only once in a lifetime Salmon Salmon are anadromous- Fresh to salt and back to fresh
Reproduction CLOACA- opening for digestive and reproductive systems HERMAPHRODITIC- an animal has the reproductive organs of both sexes INTERNAL FERTILIZATION- cartilaginous fishes with claspers EXTERNAL FERTILIZATION- spawn (release gametes into H2O)
3 types of development OVIPAROUS- eggs are hatched outside the body VIVIPAROUS- young develop inside the mother OVOVIVIPAROUS- eggs are retained inside the mothers body and hatch inside. Live young are birthed.