Systematic Theology III The Doctrine of Last Things


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Presentation transcript:

Systematic Theology III The Doctrine of Last Things Introduction & Physical Death

Definitions Eschatology “In Greek this word means a study of last things. In theology it is the area of teaching concerned with the final outcome of the present order in the eschaton…” (McCune, p. 301). It is the end of God’s plan for Creation that began “in the beginning.” The Later Times, the Last Days, and the Last Hour See 1 Tim 4:1; 2 Tim 3:1; 2 Pet 3:3; 1 John 2:18. “’Later’ and ‘last’ seem to be synonymous and both come from the Old Testament concept of acherith hayamin (latter days). These days began with the first advent of Christ and will conclude with His second coming and the eventual dissolution of the earth” (McCune, p. 302). The End “Two words are used in the Greek (telos and sunteleia) and both speak of the eschaton or the consummation” (McCune, p. 302). See Matt 13:39; 24:6.

The Essential Nature of Eschatology “ Eschatology centers around the coming of Jesus Christ. In Old Testament thought there is only one coming discernable. A second coming is not distinguishable apart from the historical certainty of His first coming and rejection. The second advent is mentioned clearly for the first time at Caesarea Philippi, about one year before the crucifixion…The differences between Christ’s first and second advents, particularly as they relate to the eschaton or the last days, are quite clear” (McCune, pp. 302-03). See Heb 1:-2; 9:26; 1 Cor 10:11.

Physical Death

Death in the Scriptures Death in the Scripture has the fundamental idea of separation. There are three types: Spiritual Death – the separation of the person from God that came about as a result of the fall (Eph 2:1, 5). The only remedy for this death is regeneration. The Second Death – the permanent and final separation of a person from God (Rev 20:14; 21:8). There is no remedy for the second death once it has begun. Physical Death – the temporary separation of the body from the soul and spirit (Jas 2:26). The remedy for physical death is the resurrection to life (John 5:28-29).

The Origin of Physical Death Physical death was not part of the original creation (Gen 1:31). Physical death entered into the human race as a result of Adam’s sin (Gen 2:17; 3:19; Rom 5:12; 1 Cor 15:22).

The Causes of Physical Death The immediate causes of physical death include: old age (Psa 90:9-10); general frailty (Psa 103:15-16); sickness (Acts 9:37); catastrophes of various kinds (Luke 13:4); violent actions (Luke 13:1). The ultimate cause of all death is sin and God’s judgment on it (1 Sam 2:6; Job 14:5; Luke 12:5).

The Meaning of Physical Death In General All men are subject to death. Death is an enemy of the human race and the last one to be abolished before the reign of Christ (1 Cor 15:26). The Unsaved Understandably, unbelievers see physical death as the absolute end. In reality, it is but the vestibule to the judgment of God (Heb 9:27).

The Meaning of Physical Death Old Testament Saints “Old Testament saints lived during a period when physical death was inevitable and revelation concerning the afterlife was, apparently, scarce” (McCune, p. 309). See Job 10:18-22; Psa 6:5. Israel’s promised blessings were associated with life on earth, and to enter the afterlife was to sail into uncertain waters. But there was a hope of resurrection (Dan 12:1-2; John 11:23-24). New Testament Saints “Death is not a mystery for New Testament believers because the truth about the intermediate state has been revealed. Death actually becomes a gateway into the presence of Christ Himself” (McCune, p. 312). See 2 Cor 5:8; Phil 1:23. Because of this additional revelation, Christians need not fear death (Cor 15:55-57; Heb 2:14)

Next Time: The Doctrine of Last Things The Intermediate State & The Second Coming of Jesus Christ