Government Information in the 21rst Century Teaching and Training the Adult Learner
Characteristics of learners Aptitude Motivation Cognitive development Psycho-social development Learning styles Gender, ethnicity, social class dgrealy Gi21
Characteristics of adult learners Andragogy v. Pedagogy Life span development New passages Generations dgrealy Gi21
Malcolm Knowles Five crucial assumptions about the characteristics of adult learners that differ from the assumptions about child learners 1. Self-concept Move from dependency toward being self directed. 2. Experience Accumulation of a growing reservoir of experience that becomes an increasing resource for learning. 3. Readiness to learn Readiness to learn; increasing orientation toward the developmental tasks of social roles. 4. Orientation to learning changes Time perspective: shift from “postponed application of knowledge” to “immediacy of application” Orientation toward learning shifts from “ subject-centeredness” to “problem centeredness.” 5. Motivation to learn As a person matures the motivation to learn is internal (Knowles 1984:12). dgrealy Gi21
Lifespan development Cognitive Biological Psychosocial Mental processes of knowing, which include imagining, perceiving, reasoning, and problem solving Biological Bodily changes, maturation, and growth Psychosocial Emotions, personality and social interactions and expectations dgrealy Gi21
Adaptation throughout life depends on: How well each of us negotiates the internal and external factors that enhance or constrain our abilities to reach our full potentials How we build on strengths to transcend these limitations over time “Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.” –Josh Billings dgrealy Gi21
Passages and new passages Longer productive life span Expectation of second, even third adult careers Generations Differences in behaviors, expectations, and approach to information seeking Baby boomers Gen-X, Gen-Y, Millennials dgrealy Gi21
Learning styles TRiM (3 modes): linguistic, nonlinguistic, affective VAK (sensory): Visual, audial, kinesthetic dgrealy Gi21
Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Based on work of Carl Jung: identification of distinct personality patterns MBTI: widely used instrument can be of help in understanding individual differences. 1. Extroversion (E) versus Introversion (I) 2. Sensing (S) versus iNtuition (N) 3. Thinking (T) versus Feeling (F) 4. Judging (J) versus Perceptive (P) dgrealy Gi21 dgrealy Gi21
Intelligences Gardner’s Multiple intelligences Verbal Linguistic Logical-mathematical Musical Spatial Bodily Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist Goleman’s Emotional intelligence Motivation Resilience dgrealy Gi21
Lenses Add to understanding; assist in strategy development Also Life cycle development Learning style Multiple intelligences Emotional intelligence Also Moral, aesthetic development Ethnicity and race (cultural experience) Gender (voice; ways of understanding) Where does Myers Briggs fit? Personality part of “Intelligence”? Culture? dgrealy Gi21
Group learning Learning characteristics of individual Learning characteristics of group Dynamic Interactive Mediated Peer-to-peer Outcome-oriented Competency-driven dgrealy Gi21
Professional education: 3-tier model Cognitive Core, theory, philosophy, best practices Experiential Practical, Internships, Service Learning Holistic Reflection, personal meaning-making and mastery Sullivan, W. M. (2007, Keynote Address Tuesday January 16, 2007, 8:30am-10:00am). The Civic Life of Information: Teaching Professionalism for the Knowledge Age. Paper presented at the Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Conference: Promoting Excellence in Library and Information Science Education, Seattle, WA. dgrealy Gi21
7 effective training strategies Behavioral Cognitive Inquiry Mental models Group dynamics Virtual reality Holistic James R. Davis & Adelaide B. Davis, Effective Training Strategies: A Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing Learning in Organizations. San Francisco, CA.: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1998 Davis, J. R., and Cerqueira, D. A. (1999). Assessing the results of training: The case of water sanitation in Brazil: COPASA MG. In T. K. Hodges (Ed.), Measuring learning and performance (pp. 107-114). Alexandria VA: American Society for Training and Development. dgrealy Gi21
Strategy implementation Best use (re: key learning task) Theory Participant role Facilitator role Assessment See handout for details dgrealy Gi21
Seven Strategies dgrealy Gi21 1. Behavorial Beginning or advanced skill development Basic skills with: hardware, software, CPU, monitor, peripherals, keyboard, mouse, printer, etc. Demonstration and observation Pre- and posttest measures 2. Cognitive Presentations and explanations Understanding and knowledge of the requirements in: Chapter 2 of the Federal Deposition Library Manual, The Federal Depository Library Manual Supplement Sept 1994, and Chapter 2 of the Instructions to the Depository Libraries Paper and pencil tests 3. Inquiry Critical, creative, and dialogical thinking Review and critique of draft copy of core competencies documents, mission, goals and objectives, or strategic plan. Periodic review of procedures and processing policies to reflect changes that may occur in federal or state polices and access issues. Critical analysis of report or proposal someone else has written Generation of similar work 4. Mental models Problem solving Decision making Discussion of implications of loading MARCIVE tapes into OPAC: pros and cons Use of hypothetical or real problems or decision situations Case studies and case reports 5. Group dynamics Examination of opinions, attitudes, and beliefs Collaboration and working in teams Teambuilding or group training sessions: Forming, storming, norming, performing exercises Standardized measures of attitude Self-reports of attitude change Observations of human relations or team behavior 6. Virtual Reality Development of competence and confidence in a simulated environment Drills or practice sessions on procedures or practices; computer simulations, role playing, scenario building: e.g. dry run of GPO On-site inspection Final practice run 7. Holistic Personal learning and self-discovery through experience Reflective practice; self assessment, feedback, and modification (if needed) Reflection Debriefing dgrealy Gi21
Learning summary Interactive Competency-based Individual and in groups Applied Reflective dgrealy Gi21
References dgrealy Gi21
Questions? dgrealy Gi21