To Do: Monday Bell Ringer If you have your emergency card, leave it on your desk for me to collect. To Do: Monday Bell Ringer As you come in… Finish the writing prompt on self-driving cars from last week. This should in your blue ELA folder. Remember this must be in paragraph format. You must write a min. of 6 sentences and use 3 pieces of evidence from the article/video to support your claim. Turn in the paper when you are finished to your class bin with your first and last name. Read a book when you are finished. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?
Pro/Con Self-Driving Cars Article GIST STRATEGY -Skim the text. What do you think the article will be about? -As you read, highlight the 5 W’s: Who, what, when, where, and why.
Pro/Con Self-Driving Cars Summarize the article. Using the highlighted information complete the organizer and write a short summary of the article.
Pro/Con Self-Driving Cars Numbered heads together for the quiz!
To Do: TUESDAY Bell Ringer If you have your emergency card, leave it on your desk for me to collect. To Do: TUESDAY Bell Ringer As you come in… Title your page 7 – “Bell Ringers” Write today’s date and number the paper #1-10. Write the errors correctly and in order. Draw a line to divide the page. You will use the rest of the page for tomorrow's bell ringer. Do you know the name Gertrude Ederle. Born in new York City, Ederle won three swimming medals at the olympic Games in 1924. However, her bigest fame came two years later. On August 6 1926, Ederle became the first women to swim across the English Channel. She broke the mens record for that swim by two hours! The English Channel is the body of water that separates the countrys of england and france. Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?
Answer Do you know the name Gertrude Ederle #1. ? Born in #2. New York City, Ederle won three swimming medals at the #3. Olympic Games in 1924. However, her #4. biggest fame came two years later. On August 6 #5, 1926, Ederle became the first #6. woman to swim across the English Channel. She broke the #7. men's record for that swim by two hours! The English Channel is the body of water that separates the #8. countries of #9. England and #10. France.
Eleven Characterization Narrator and Voice Theme Eleven PowerPoint Text
To Do: WEDNESDAY Bell Ringer If you have your emergency card, leave it on your desk for me to collect. To Do: WEDNESDAY Bell Ringer As you come in… On the bottom page of yesterday’s bell ringer write today’s date and number the paper #1-10. Write the errors correctly and in order. August 6th is a date to rember. On that day in 1945, an American B-29 bomber droped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan. More than 65,000 people were killed in the explosion, which destroyed 4 square mile of the city. within a week of the bomming, the japanese government surrendered and World War II came too an end. Many places now hold special memorial ceremony's on the anniversary of the august 6th bombing? Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?
answer August 6th is a date to #1. remember. On that day in 1945, an American B-29 bomber #3. dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan. More than 65,000 people were killed in the explosion, which destroyed 4 square #4. miles of the city. #5. Within a week of the #6. bombing, the #7. Japanese government surrendered and World War II came #8. to an end. Many places now hold special memorial #9. ceremonies on the anniversary of the #10. August 6th bombing.
Eleven Characterization Narrator and Voice Theme Eleven PowerPoint Text
To Do: WEDNESDAY Bell Ringer If you have your emergency card, leave it on your desk for me to collect. To Do: WEDNESDAY Bell Ringer As you come in… Title your page 8 – “Bell Ringers” Write today’s date and number the paper #1-10. Write the errors correctly and in order. Draw a line to divide the page. You will use the rest of the page for tomorrow's bell ringer. On August 6, 1965 President Lyndon Johnson sign a law that made it easyer for African Americans to vote in US elections. Up until that time, some communitys attempted to discriminate agains black people and members of other minority group. They requird voters to take written tests or pay special taxes four the write to vote The Voting Rights Act of 1965 put an end to voter discrimination. Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?
answer On August 6, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed a law that made it easier for African Americans to vote in U.S. elections. Up until that time, some communities attempted to discriminate against black people and members of other minority groups. They required people to take written tests or pay special taxes for the right to vote. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 put an end to voter discrimination.
Eleven Characterization Narrator and Voice Theme Eleven PowerPoint Text
To Do: THURSDAY Bell Ringer If you have your emergency card, leave it on your desk for me to collect. To Do: THURSDAY Bell Ringer As you come in… On the bottom page of yesterday’s bell ringer write today’s date and number the paper #1-10. Write the errors correctly and in order. For many years, people had to imagine what earth look like from space? In 1959, those people got there first real look! On August 7th that year, the U.S. satellite Explorer VI transmited the first picture of Earth from space. Two year later, the first human got to seen that view when Russia send a man into space. A few week after that russian space flight, Alan Shepard become the first U.S. astronaut in space. Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?
answer For many years, people had to imagine what Earth looked/looks like from space. In 1959, those people got their first real look! On August 7th that year, the U.S. satellite Explorer VI transmitted the first picture of Earth from space. Two years later, the first human got to see that view when Russia sent a man into space. A few weeks after that Russian space flight, Alan Shepard became the first U.S. astronaut in space.
Eleven Characterization Narrator and Voice Theme Eleven PowerPoint Text
To Do: FRIDAY Bell Ringer If you have your emergency card, leave it on your desk for me to collect. To Do: FRIDAY Bell Ringer As you come in… Title your page 8 – “Bell Ringers” Write today’s date and number the paper #1-10. Write the errors correctly and in order. Draw a line to divide the page. You will use the rest of the page for Monday’s bell ringer. Richard Nixon became president of the United States on January 29, 1969. In 1972, a break-in was discover at the head quarters of the Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C. Soon investigators lerned that members of President Nixon's re-election committee was involve in the brake-in, That information led to Nixon's resignation on August 9 1974. He were the first and only U.S. president too resign in office. Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?
answer Richard Nixon became president of the United States on January 29, 1969. In 1972, a break-in was discovered at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C. Soon investigators learned that members of President Nixon's re-election committee were involved in the break-in. That information led to Nixon's resignation on August 9, 1974. He was the first and only U.S. president to resign in office. -Leave the paper at the center of your table with your full name.
Eleven test and vocabulary test