What is its side of the story? The monster`s Tale What is its side of the story?
What were the creature’s first feelings and memories? “I can remember little about my first few hours of consciousness except confusion and pain an the sight of your face.” pg 77
Why is Victor like the creature’s mother? “I`ve said that you were my father, but really you were my mother…” pg 78 “…it was you who gave me life. When you abandoned me, you were like a mother abandoning her newborn baby. ” pg 78
When did the creature discover that it was big and hideous? “I shoved open the door of one of the houses, and at once everyone inside started shrieking…I was chased away with sticks and stones…I came to the conclusion that I was hideous as well as big. Screams, I had discovered, were the human way of expression fear or anger. pg 83
Why did the creature do things for the cottagers he watched? “ I did what I could for them. Each night I gathered wood from the forest, and left it in a pile near the cottage…I would catch and kill an extra couple of small animals, and leave them there for my friends.” pg 85
Why did the creature feel hopeful when he learned the father couldn`t see? “When I realized the old man was blind, my heart was filled with hope.” pg 86 “A blind man might accept me for what I was…Once he had accepted me, perhaps Agatha and Felix would learn to ignore my face and welcome me into their family.
Did the creature kill William because it hated Victor? “…I was picking him up and getting ready to wring his neck, just as I had done countless times before with the wild animals that I`d caught. He screamed even louder. I killed him. It was a reflex.” pg 94
Why does the creature say that if it were a human, it wouldn’t have hanged Justine? “If she had been guilty,…the only reason could have been that she was sick in her mind. Do you humans hang people because they`re sick? It appears you do…” pg 97
Think, Pair, Share Think about the question your given Pair up with the person sitting next to you Share the question and your answer Exchange questions Move to a new desk
1. In what ways is the creature like any human being 1. In what ways is the creature like any human being? In what ways is it different? “One of the things I discovered while I was observing the cottagers was that it was evil for human beings to kill each other – or harm each other in any way. You humans say these things, and yet you then go out and do exactly the opposite.” pg 97
“I just wanted to be like those laughing, happy people.” pg 78 2. What does the monster want most in life? Why does his goal seem so unattainable? “I just wanted to be like those laughing, happy people.” pg 78
3. How have the creature's experiences shaped its opinion of itself? “At the time I had no way of knowing that these were not normal experiences for people coming into the world.” pg 77 “Through my observations of the cottagers, I had discovered the love that people could share” pg 96
4. Does the monster have the potential for good as well as evil? “I had no wish to make people scream. I wished no harm on any human being –not yet.” pg 83