Traveling the Road of Middle Management 9:10 Traveling the Road of Middle Management Kayla Larsen, M.Ed. University of Texas at San Antonio
What you’ll leave with today Encouraged and empowered Tips and tricks that will help you grow as a professional! A better understanding of yourself and your interpersonal skills
On the Road…A Personal Account 9:15
Getting around the Road Blocks Supervision Communicating up AND down Get beyond the task Get beyond YOURSELF Role Identity Foot soldiers vs. Visionaries Stuck in a Rut Mistakes Emotions are contagious 9:20
Road preparation Interpersonal communication skills Self awareness Seeking and pursuing outside opportunities BOLDLY Knowing what your interests/skills are Do the same thing with your staff! It’s not all about you What’s not working? Is it time to redo some things? Knowing when it’s time to go 9:40
The Journey, Not the Destination You are responsible for your own success! Enjoy the ride! It’s all about perspective! 9:50
Questions and Other Thoughts 9:55