So you have been diagnosed with breast cancer! What's next? Moving Forward to a Better, Brighter, Future for the Cures Central Pennsylvania Coalition United to Fight Cancer, CATALYST Loving Souls and Sweethearts XXII Cancer Education and Chronic Disease Workshops and Luncheon Saturday, February 24, 2018 Angela M Soto Hamlin MD FACS Geisinger Holy Spirit Breast Center
PATHOLOGY REPORT Diagnosis Grade Markers
Diagnosis: Grade: DCIS Invasive Ductal (no special type) Special types Mucinous Papillary etc Lobular Grade: Low Intermediate 3 High
STAGING T Size N Lymph Nodes M Metastases Grade Markers Genomic Profiles
TREATMENT RADIATION Brachytherapy External Beam SURGERY Mastectomy Total Partial Lymphnodes Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Axillary Dissection SYSTEMIC THERAPY Chemotherapy Hormonal Therapy Anti Estrogens Targeted Therapy Anti Her 2 drugs Parp inhibitors CDK4/5 inhibitors Etc…..
TREATMENT Surgery Radiation Systemic Treatment Surgery Systemic Treatment Radiation Systemic Treatment Surgery Radiation Systemic Treatment Surgery Radiation Surgery Systemic Treatment Radiation