Candidate Performance
CCSLC Results
What is CCSLC CCSLC is a secondary level qualification which prepares candidates for further study or entry-level employment. Candidates must complete two compulsory subjects (English and Mathematics) as well as a choice of three others including: Other CCSLC subjects CSEC® subjects earning Grades I-IV TVET Level 1 programmes
CCLSC Subject Entries
CCSLC Trends & Highlights
CCLSC Regional Acceptable Grades The region had 83% acceptable grades in 2015 and 88% in 2016 an increase by 5%. Mathematics was 77% in 2015 and 80% in 2016 an increase by 3%. Social Studies was 86% in 2015 and 88% in 2016 an increase by 2%. Integrated Science was 80% in 2015 and 86% in 2016 an increase by 6%. French was 82% in 2015 and 75% in 2016 a decrease by 7%. Spanish was 78% in 2015 and 70% in 2016 a decrease by 8%.
CCLSC Performance Trends