New FA Guidelines
What’s New? Guaranteed $1000 at beginning (with some stipulations) Must be in “good standing” with the university Must submit an OSP for review on time Effective starting the first day of school Ability to use funding for a wider range of needs Most work done on the front end of the semester; no late night Senate meetings
Organization Strategic Plan (OSP) Every organization will fill out one OSP for each of the Fall and Spring semesters, and submit it by the second Friday of classes in each semester. This form lists in detail all events/programming for your organization for the semester, including number of programs, estimated cost breakdown, and details of each one. Will be asked to rank programs in order of importance to the organization. OSP’s will be reviewed by Senators and final approved funding decided no later than three weeks after submission. As usual, there are several categories under which you can classify your programming.
Programming Classifications Events Meetings Travel Cap $3000 per academic year (same as old guidelines) Competitive Apparel Organization Equipment Maximum $200 per academic year Can include non-disposable items (tennis balls, board games, etc.)
Tiered System Funding for programming will be given priority based on a tiered system. Tier 1 Enhances campus community, well organized, club sports competitions, leadership and academic conference travel Tier 2 Lecture series, special interest programming, seminars, philanthropy dinners Tier 3 Programming designed for an organization’s current members, competitive apparel, equipment
Contingency Funding In the case of unforeseen additional programming being planned throughout the semester, organizations can submit a Contingency Application requesting contingency funding. Contingency applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and will require the attendance of an organization representative at a Senate meeting.
What do you need to do? PLAN! Read the new guidelines for yourself This strategically promotes intentional and well thought-out programming Read the new guidelines for yourself Reading through the guidelines will prepare you for the process this fall and any complications that may arrive. The better you know the guidelines and the OSP submission, Tier System, and Contingency Application process, the easier it will be for us to get you your funding. GET EXCITED! These new guidelines were created to give your organizations more freedom with your funding, allowing you to be more creative and cater funds in a way that benefits your organization specifically!