Fitness check on chemicals legislation (excluding REACH) CARACAL-20 Brussels, 9 March 2016 DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW/D.2) DG Environment (ENV/A.3)
Purpose Fitness check on the most relevant chemicals legislation (excluding REACH), as well as related aspects of legislation applied to downstream industries to assess the overall effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence, and EU added value of the legislative framework, including the procedures to implement the framework; to identify possible excessive regulatory burdens, overlaps, inconsistencies, obsolete measures and gaps. Part of the Commission’s REFIT programme, which also includes the parallel REACH REFIT evaluation (REACH Review)
Scope Legislation covered: Legislation governing hazard identification and classification Legislation governing risk management measures including chemicals-related aspects of Worker safety legislation Transport legislation Environmental protection legislation Chemicals/product control legislation Supporting legislation
Scope Topics covered: Mapping the links between identified hazards/specific risk assessments and risk management measures Evaluating hazard identification and specific risk assessments Evaluating risk management measures, whether based on generic risk considerations or on specific risk assessments Analysing the coherence of the legislative approach and procedures Further detail in the roadmap (publication pending). Preliminary background document with an indicative list of legislation and evaluation questions has been published online & on CIRCABC.
Data sources Studies Study on the regulatory fitness of chemicals legislation (excluding REACH), in particular CLP and related legislation (DG GROW) Study on the cumulative health and environmental benefits of chemical legislation (DG ENV) Other relevant studies Stakeholder consultation Public consultation Workshop (in Brussels on 19 April 2016) Targeted interviews and online surveys (as part of studies) CARACAL (and other expert groups)
Timelines Public consultation: 4 March – 27 May 2016 Completion DG GROW study: October 2016 Staff working document (Fitness Check report) in 2017
Questions E-mail: