Integrated Lessons – Asian Studies Level 4 Geography, History, Literacy and Numeracy.


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Presentation transcript:

Integrated Lessons – Asian Studies Level 4 Geography, History, Literacy and Numeracy

Lesson 1 – History of Rice Whole Class introduction – History of Rice Teacher and student driven discussion regarding the importance of rice in Asian countries Diet Export & Import Culture Farming

Lesson 1 – History of Rice Students develop a KWL chart regarding rice Students create graphs & maps in relation to the manufacturing of rice in Asia (Statistics on rice farming in Asia) Going further tml

Lesson 2 - Chopsticks Whole class introduction – History of Chopsticks Students view the following video (how to use chopsticks) nM Students split into four groups The groups consist of children who can use chopsticks and children who cant use chopsticks The expert must teach the novice how to correctly hold and eat with chopsticks

Lesson 2 - Chopsticks Students practice using chopsticks picking up different objects (provided by the teacher) Students peer assess after a suitable amount of practice Students write or video a procedure piece regarding their experiences and processes of using chopsticks Going further – Video clip explaining the etiquette of Asian dining =relmfu

Lesson 3 – Recipe Sequencing Activity Homework task - Students research simple Asian style recipes and bring one recipe to school The teacher brainstorms the different elements and concepts of recipes 1. Students colour code the recipe 2. Delete the name of the recipe 3. Cut the recipe into sections 4. Jumble the recipe

Lesson 3 – Recipe Sequencing Activity Students swap their jumbled recipe with another student The recipe is to be sequenced into the correct order using the ingredients and language for clues Students are to guess the name of the dish, using the method and ingredients for clues Students come back together and peer assess Going further – Students write their own recipe they have observed their parents cook at home! Multiply the recipe by 4 e.g. Beef Noodles feeds 2 Students must multiply all the ingredients and measurements by 4 to feed 8 people

Lesson 4 – Chinese Cinderella Preparation – Students to read Chinese Cinderella by Adeline Yen Mah (or use the text as a class novel) Chinese Cinderella explores the tormented life of the youngest girl in a large family in China. Main Task: Students to pick a passage where they can relate to the main character (text to self). Question to Students: Using Powerpoint or a Flipcam explain a situation where you felt alienated or excluded (home or school) Example Questions Draw a picture regarding your difficult situation (Inspiration) What emotions did you feel? How did you resolve the issue? What emotions do you think Adeline felt during her childhood? How was Adelines situation different to yours? What strategies can you use in future when you feel alienated or excluded?