Anthology Revision - War
How does Sheer explore war in his poem ‘Mametz Wood’? Annotations You have been given ‘Mametz Wood’ in your exam. Annotate focused on the question: How does Sheer explore war in his poem ‘Mametz Wood’?
Choose one other poem from your anthology which discusses war Choose one other poem from your anthology which discusses war. Compare the presentation of war in your chosen poem to the presentation of war in ‘Mametz Wood’. (25 marks)
Mametz Wood and ________________ Similarities Differences
Compare the presentation of war in your chosen poem to the presentation of war in ‘Mametz Wood’. (25 marks) One link between Mametz Wood and Dulce is how they both represent the suffering of the soldiers. Mametz Wood describes the “mosaic of bone linked arm in arm” whilst in Dulce the soldiers are described as “men marched asleep”. Both poets are trying to explain to the audience how much the soldiers suffer in the conditions of war and that they often do not get the respect they deserve.
One link between Mametz Wood and Dulce is how they both represent the suffering of the soldiers. Mametz Wood describes the “mosaic of bone linked arm in arm” whilst in Dulce the soldiers are described as “men marched asleep”. Both poets are trying to explain to the audience how much the soldiers suffer in the conditions of war and that they often do not get the respect they deserve. Another similarity is that both poems show the dangerous conditions the soldiers had to live in. Mametz Wood explains how they were unaware of the “nesting machine guns.” and in Dulce shows the panic during the gas attack “Gas! Gas! Quick boys!”. The poets are trying to show the audience how the soldiers were under constant attack and had to be prepared for anything. One difference the poems have is the perspective of the speaker. Mametz Wood is written in third person focusing on how we should remember the soldiers; “For years afterwards the farmers found them.” Dulce on the other hand is from the soldiers point of view “he plunges at me”. Sheers wants to focus on the memory of the soldiers living on while because Owen was writing during WWI, he wants to make people at home realise what the war was really like.