Transportation Asset Management Plan: Effects from a District Perspective District 7 Deputy Director, Randy Chevalley, P.E., P.S. District 7 Highway Management Administrator Scott Kasler, P.E.
Ohio District Map
ODOT’s Mission Take care of what we have; To provide easy movement of people and goods from place to place, we will: __________________________________ Take care of what we have; _________________________________ Make our system work better; Improve safety; Enhance capacity. ODOT’s Mission Like many states & organizations….we have our mission Take care of what we have is what the Transportation Asset Management Program (TAMP) tries to achieve
Our Guiding Principles We will serve, innovate, and communicate with purpose. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We will be productive, lean, efficient and effective. We will utilize the public resources entrusted to us by satisfying the State's transportation needs. We will be the standard of excellence for winter maintenance. We will create a working environment based on trust and mutual respect. We will value the diversity of all ODOT people. We will work together — one team: the Ohio Department of Transportation. Our Guiding Principles Along with one of our Guiding Principles - We will utilize the public resources entrusted to us by satisfying the State's transportation needs.
MAP-21 / FAST Act Develop a risk-based, data driven, TAMP Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Performance Based Decision Process & Asset Management Increase Accountability & Transparency Develop a risk-based, data driven, TAMP
Ohio’s Approach Asset Management Leadership Team Formed Maintain & implement plans to support TAM activities Communicate TAM activities to Executive level Maintain Data & Collection Standards Promote Asset Management Benefits Asset Inventory Matrix 28 Assets & 3 Tiers Tier 1 Bridges Pavements Culverts
Implementing the Plan Preservation Strategies Combined Work Plan Performance data to guide funding Consistent across state Reduce annual cost to maintain system Technology Computerized management system dTIMS – Deighton’s Total Infrastructure Management Sys. Optimizes pavement treatments Mapping – TIMS, GIS, Google Earth Asset Inventory & Collection
District Multi-Year Work Plan Planning/Operations: Two Divisions…One Plan Funding projections / System Conditions Lower life cycle costs $300M over “6 years” towards other programs Foster consistency across ODOT districts. Blurs funding allocation between capital vs. operating expenditure
Scott Kasler, P.E., Highway Management Administrator
Year 2 – District Perspective SUCCESS! Pavement Team Forum for decision making & involvement Bridge Maintenance Focus-item instead of afterthought Culverts Comprehensive inventory Fewer dropped balls Zero-based budgets Maintenance materials Generated by the Work Plan Minimal public complaints
Year 2 – District Perspective NEEDS IMPROVEMENT Ohio EPA – General Permit for Cleaning Bridges Contracting Issues Sole-source bidders Pricing not normalized Industry Concerns Hesitation to invest Material availability
Year 2 – District Perspective NEEDS IMPROVEMENT Communication between Planning & Operations Capital Program changes Crack-sealing Stick to the list? The Black Box “Trust but verify” “Question Authority” Change Resistance 88 counties vs. 12 districts vs. 1 ODOT
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