Reading with your child Evergreen Elementary Dawn Kirkland
How to Pick An Appropriate Book INTEREST!!!
Before Reading *Read the title with your child *Look through the pictures *Make predictions on what the book will be about Before Reading
During Reading *Share what you are thinking *Help them make a movie in their mind of what’s happening *Ask questions *Make it fun *Don’t correct too much *Build their confidence During Reading
What to do when my child doesn’t know a word *Don’t just tell them the word. *Have them skip it and read on, then go back to see what makes sense. *Stretch the word out *Have them look for chunks or word parts they know *Use the pictures *Flip the vowel sound
After Reading *Ask your child what happened in the story *Ask them if they can relate or connect to anything that happened in the story *Discuss the problem in the story *Make predictions on what will happen next After Reading
How you can help your child succeed in reading *Let your child see you reading and share *Movie version coming out? Read the book first and compare after you watch the movie. *Set aside a time and place for you and your child to read or for them to read on their own. *Go to the library often *Share a variety of texts and reading materials (poems, magazines, plays, chapter books) *Make it part of everyday life (recipes, directions, bedtime, etc.)