English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Anthology Poetry – structuring your essay English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes COMPARING POETRY – STRUCTURING YOUR ANSWER In the exam, you have to compare two of the poems in a full essay. You have 45 minutes to do this. Answer one question on the poetry cluster you have studied from the Anthology Section B – Poetry You will not have a choice of questions – which is why it is so important that you know the poems well. Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.
English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Anthology Poetry – lesson four English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes There are three main ways to get marks in this exam; 1- Give your own thoughts and opinions on the poems and support them with quotes from the text. 2- Explain features like form, structure and language. 3- Describe the similarities and differences between poems and their contexts. 45 MINUTES Answer one question on the poetry cluster you have studied from the Anthology Section B – Poetry Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.
Anthology Poetry – structuring your essay Compare both poems - Write about similarities and differences between the two poems. Focus on the techniques the poets use, such as form, structure and language The examiner is looking for four main things: 1- Show that you understand what the poems are about. 2- Write about the techniques used in the poems. 3- Support every point you make with quotes or examples from the poem. 4- Use the correct technical terms to describe the techniques in the poem Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.
English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Anthology Poetry – structuring your essay English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes FIVE Steps to comparing two poems 1- Read the question carefully! Underline/highlight the key words 2- Annotate the given poem, focusing on the techniques used and how they affect the reader – select 4/5 key parts to focus on. 3- Think about similarities and differences between the poems (context/message) and the techniques used – add annotations about your chosen poem in a different colour 4- Plan your answer: You need three or four key similarities and/or differences (a mix of both is fine!) 5- Write your answer – Every paragraph should discuss one similarity or difference between the TECHNIQUES USED IN BOTH POEMS – don’t split the paragraphs into one point about one, then one point about another - COMPARE something about the poems within one paragraph. Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.
English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Anthology Poetry – structuring your essay English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Structure – SEI COMPARE SEI – don’t forget CONTEXT and CLOSE ANALYSIS (+ IMPACT) Both poems use/discuss… In ‘Poem one’… we see this when… Technique is used to show… This is effective because… The poet teaches the reader (CONTEXT)/tries to convey to the reader… Similarly, in ‘Poem two’, technique is used… This has an impact on the reader because… ‘Poem one’ is perhaps more successful at making the reader feel ____ because… TECHNIQUE is used in… Both poets discuss… TRY AND LINK TECHNIQUES USED/SIMILAR THINGS POETS DO AND THEN DISCUSS THROUGHOUT Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – plan your response to an example poem Platinum – Analyse how a previous example is successful Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.
English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Anthology Poetry – structuring your essay English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Five Steps to Analysing the Poems Subject Purpose, theme, message Emotions, mood or feelings Techniques (used to express the above) response Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – plan your response to an example poem Platinum – Analyse how a previous example is successful Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.