Shelter Working Group Meeting Core / Transitional Shelter Wednesday 19 July, 10AM Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management
Agenda Agenda District focal point updates Shelter designs/ settlement plans Community reconstruction - ZOA EMMA sectors AOB
‘house to house’ – only home owners Affected houses: NBRO – policy ‘house to house’ – only home owners Affected houses: Resettlement: prohibited zones Reconstruction: safe, warning and restricted zones
Investigation of sites: NBRO – policy Investigation of sites: Minimum plot size 10 perches (1 perch = 25.29m2) Slope angle less than 8% (5o) preferred, NBRO recommendation essential for slope angle of 8%- 60% (5o -31o ), >60% (31o ) prohibited. Avoidance of natural valleys, vertical cuts and other unstable landforms. Consideration of geology, morphology, hydrology Less than 2.5 km to town centres Less than 0.5 km to roads Access to water and electricity
Safe Site ? GOVERNMENT RESPONSE No Yes Prohibited zone Restricted Warning Reconstruction in-situ with resilient features Resettlement Fully Damaged (>40%) Partially Damaged (<40%) Fully Damaged (>40%) Partially Damaged (<40%) Govt financial assistance 1.2m on sites identified by government Owner selected sites or house: Govt financial assistance for house purchase (with land) up to 1.6m Govt financial assistance 1.2 m Govt financial assistance 1.2 m NITF Insurance Govt financial assistance 1.2m NITF Insurance GOVERNMENT RESPONSE
Safe Site ? SUPPORT OPTIONS GOVERNMENT RESPONSE No Yes Prohibited zone Restricted Warning Reconstruction in-situ with resilient features Resettlement Fully Damaged (>40%) Partially Damaged (<40%) Fully Damaged (>40%) Partially Damaged (<40%) SUPPORT OPTIONS All: technical support Transitional /core shelter? Transitional/core shelter? Shelter Repair Kit/Cash Transitional/core shelter? Shelter Repair Kit/Cash Govt financial assistance 1.2m on sites identified by government Owner selected sites or house: Govt financial assistance for house purchase (with land) up to 1.6m Govt financial assistance 1.2 m Govt financial assistance 1.2 m NITF Insurance Govt financial assistance 1.2m NITF Insurance GOVERNMENT RESPONSE
Transitional / core shelter Model house + training Community approach Solutions Transitional / core shelter Model house + training Community approach Prevent settlement issues DRR at community rather than household level
Process - tbd Transitional / core shelter Needs seek approval by GA and NBRO site and construction needs to be endorsed by NBRO appropriate (consider livelihoods) materials to go towards a permanent home Needs support housing and landscape design community mobilization
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