Hexapod Orders Zoraptera Zor - pure, aptera - wingless Number of Species 32 Common names None - zorapterans Typical habitats Fossorial - stumps, rotting wood, tropical Distinguishing characteristics -two morphs -winged with eyes -wingless with no eyes Other features -gregarious but no social structure -small (3 mm)
Zoraptera - a potpourri of traits Generalized chewing mouthparts (Orthoptera) Genitalia -asymmetrical (roaches) Reduced Malpighian tubules (hemipteroids) CNS concentrated (hemipteroids) Wing venation reduced (Psocoptera)
Zoraptera - a potpourri of traits Plecoptera Embiodea Zoraptera Dermaptera Grylloblattodea ? Mantophasmatodea Orthoptera Phasmatodea Blattaria Neoptera Isoptera Mantodea Psocoptera Phthiraptera Thysanoptera Hemiptera
Zoraptera Life Cycle Zorapteran colony (mostly wingless blind morphs) Degradation of habitat Development of alates Shed wings Dispersal (mostly females) Mating before dispersal
EMBIOPTERA (webspinners)
Hexapod Orders Embioptera Embio - lively, ptera - wing Number of Species ≈ 350 Common names webspinners Typical habitats Fossorial - live in subterranean galleries Distinguishing characteristics -foreleg enlarged for silk production Other features legs oriented to run backwards -rarely winged - wings probably dehiscent -communal -show some parental care
Silk producing glands Leg oriented for running backwards
Embioptera - Development