Distributing surplus commodities, St. Johns, Ariz. 1940
Migrant agricultural worker's family. Seven children without food Migrant agricultural worker's family. Seven children without food. Mother aged thirty-two. Father is a native Californian. Nipomo, California. 1935 Lange, Dorothea photographer
Sharecropper and wife. Mississippi Sharecropper and wife. Mississippi. They have no tools, stock, equipment, or garden. 1937 Photo: Lange, Dorthea
Wife of Jim Norris with canned goods, Pie Town, New Mexico
Newsboys admiring sporting goods, Jackson, Ohio. Jung, Theodor, 1906- photographer. 1936
CREATED/PUBLISHED 1940 Mar. Baseball game. Tulare migrant camp. Visalia, California. Rothstein, Arthur, 1915- photographer. CREATED/PUBLISHED 1940 Mar.
CREATED/PUBLISHED 1936 July. A baseball game at the Resettlement Administration Rimrock Camp near Madras, Oregon. Rothstein, Arthur, 1915- photographer. CREATED/PUBLISHED 1936 July.
Lange, Dorothea, photographer. Near mountain home, northern Arkansas, on U.S. 62. Farmers' baseball game in the country. From this area many have gone to California to work in agriculture. Lange, Dorothea, photographer.
CREATED/PUBLISHED 1938 Nov. In the sewing room, migrant women are instructed in rug-making. Shafter camp for migrants (Farm Security Administration-FSA), California. Recreational, educational, cooperative activities in the camp are aided by Work Projects Administration instructors assigned to the camp programs. Lange, Dorothea, photographer. CREATED/PUBLISHED 1938 Nov.
CREATED/PUBLISHED 1939 Apr. Grandmother and grandchild. Greenfield, Salinas Valley, California. From farm family originally in Missouri, then Iowa. Migrants to California. Lange, Dorothea, photographer. CREATED/PUBLISHED 1939 Apr.
CREATED/PUBLISHED 1938 Dec. Napa Valley, California. More than twenty-five years a bindle-stiff. Walks from the mines to the lumber camps to the farms. The type that formed the backbone of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in California before the war. Lange, Dorothea, photographer. CREATED/PUBLISHED 1938 Dec.
CREATED/PUBLISHED 1939 Feb. Men sitting along railroad platform waiting for work as day laborers, Raymondville, Texas. Lee, Russell, 1903- photographer. CREATED/PUBLISHED 1939 Feb.
CREATED/PUBLISHED 1941 Sept. Boys looking for work wait for the Washington State Employment Service office to open in the morning, Yakima, Washington. Lee, Russell, 1903- photographer. CREATED/PUBLISHED 1941 Sept.
CREATED/PUBLISHED 1938 Jan. Unemployed workers in front of a shack with Christmas tree, East 12th Street, New York City. Lee, Russell, 1903- photographer. CREATED/PUBLISHED 1938 Jan.
CREATED/PUBLISHED 1940 Nov. John Frost and daughter listening to radio in their home. Tehama County, California. Lee, Russell, 1903- photographer. CREATED/PUBLISHED 1940 Nov.
Lee, Russell, 1903- photographer. Mrs. Caudill and her daughter in their dugout, Pie Town, New Mexico. The Caudills have one of the few radios in their neighborhood, and many farmers and their families visit the Caudills on winter nights to listen to music and news and play Forty Two. Lee, Russell, 1903- photographer.