Age of Exploration Reasons March 19, 2018
Age of Exploration Reasons Bellwork Analyze the map below, and list three things you notice about it.
Age of Exploration Reasons SOH Standard 7.72 – Analyze why European countries were motivated to explore including religion, political rivalry, and economic gain Objective – I can analyze why Europe wanted to explore the world Homework – Study Guide
Notes Read the handout, “Reasons for the Age of Exploration”. Take notes using the following terms: Motives Advances Answer the questions at the end of the reading after you have finished notes.
The Important Thing Write a summary of the topic using the following frame: The important thing about ___________ is __________. It ___________________. But the important thing about _____________ is ___________.
Illustrated WEb Create an illustrated web using your notes For the web, use the following three terms: God Gold Glory Draw examples of each
Exit Ticket ??? God Glory Gold Using your knowledge of history and the above list, select the most appropriate title. Characteristics of a Market Economy Motivations for the Age of Exploration Advancements During the Age of Exploration Motivations for the Cottage Industry