The Technology
Is this you?
Oprah AHA!
The Wrong Approach
The Right Approach Call Your MLS Vendor
How Data CAN Move for IDX Distributed Database FTP Site Everyone dials in to extract data Customized data feeds, extracts, already has it
Distributed Database Take data from MLS Put into your hard drive (off-line) Have in laptop .. But .. Allows you to move that data too …
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) MLS creates file Places it on Internet Dial-in and retrieve that file Select from that file Likely how do now
Everyone (plus third parties) dials in to get it Dial into live MLS system Do search Retrieve/Use data
MLS vendor related alternatives Customized Data Feeds for IDX MLS vendor extraction process IDX could be already built-in
The Cost – Ask Your Vendor Could be included Could be set-up fee Could be MLS fee Could be user fee
Make it Usable Members want to sell houses, land, buildings How hard or easy will you make IDX?
WHO removes them – the MLS or the webmaster HAVE YOU defined CONFIDENTIAL data fields in your rules? WHO removes them – the MLS or the webmaster To do: REMOVE Opt-Out Companies, Confidential Data Fields, Exclusions, Exclusive Agency …
Are the Data Fields Labeled? Raw data does not look like printed data Have you detailed (“mapped”) your MLS data fields for webmasters?
Have you given YOUR MLS Participants options? Vendor contacts Vendor Framing options Assn/MLS IDX options – EASILY choose data fields, colors, displays